Chapter 12: Plan B

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Chase and Skye were still running around the Adventure Bay Streets.

Skye: That was a Great escape plan Chase! (Panting)

Chase: Thanks, but I still can't believe that my own brother, whom I promised I would make it up to him, is hunting down you and me. (Panting)

Skye: And I can't believe that Sylvia would join him, they really are 2 sick pups. (Panting)

Chase: Well, I was afraid from the beginning that Sylvia would do something like this. (Panting)

Skye: But Chase, I have one Question, did your brother really bully and hurt other Pups when you 2 were younger? (Panting)

Chase and Skye then both stopped running.

Chase: (Sighs) It's True, Swift bullied the other Pups when we were younger, and he usually did it because of their sizes, and also how smaller and weaker they were compared to him. He also watched quite a few violent shows on the T.V, which my parents forbidded us to watch, and I found them quite horrible as Well, but Swift enjoyed watching them, and always found a way to sneak in and watch it, when he invited me to watch with him, I refused, and that usually made him angry, but he was lucky, because I could have told my Parents about this. After that, Swift started to even hurt the other Pups around him, and he even wanted to hurt me one time. Eventually, My parents had to have a serious talk with him, but Swift ran away from them, and when my parents tried to bring him back, a Car ran over my parents, and Swift told me, ran away from our home, and never returned back, until he did Today. My parents were killed of course, and there was nothing I could do about it, accept cry. (Starts Crying and gets emotional).

Skye never saw Chase cry this much about something, and she gave him a big hug.

Skye: I had no idea your parents were killed too. I'm so sorry. (Hugs him tighter and then lets go)

Chase: Thanks Skye, I really needed that. So anyway, after that, Ryder found me in the Pound, adopted me, and I became the 2nd Member of the PAW Patrol besides him.

Skye: It must have been really hard to tell me this, but thanks for telling me. (Nuzzles him)

Chase: Sure. (Realizes) Maybe we should get running again, Swift and Sylvia may still be unto us.

Skye: Good idea.

Chase and Skye then started running again through the Adventure Bay Streets, but all of a sudden, a car came from out of nowhere and hit Skye.

Chase: Skye!!

The driver then got out of the car.

Driver: Oh my goodness, I am so sorry.

Chase: Couldn't you pay more attention to where you are going! (Angry) Skye, are you okay?

Skye tried to get up, but slipped and fell every time she tried to.

Skye: (Groaning) No, I can't get Up, I'm too hurt.

Driver: What can I do for you 2?

Chase: Well, if you want to help us, Please take us to the PAW Patrol lookout.

The Driver then drove Chase and Skye to the lookout, and after 5 Minutes they arrived.

Chase: Thanks for the ride.

The Driver then left, and Chase carried Skye on his back, as they headed inside the lookout.

Chase: Ryder, Pups!

Ryder and the Pups were so relieved that Chase and Skye came, but were very concerned about Skye's Condition.

Everest: What happened to Her?

Chase: I can answer that later, just help her, she also needs an Ice pack for her body.

Marshall: I am on it!

Marshall then immediately got a pack of ice for Skye.

Skye: Thanks. (Puts the ice pack on)

Zuma: We were so worried about you 2, what happened?

Chase: Well, we were watching the sunset for a while, but 2 Pups named Swift and Sylvia, who I will tell you who they are in a moment, grabbed us by our necks and choked us out.

Marshall: Oh my goodness, Really!? Who were they?

Chase: They were my brother, and my Ex-Girlfriend .

Rocky: Isn't Sylvia the Pup from the herding competition in which you 2 competed against each other?

Chase: Yep, that's her, and for some reason Now, she and My brother wants to take us out, and we right now have no reasonable idea why they would do something like that.

Ryder: Well, we are going to make sure that nothing like that happens to you 2 ever again.

Chase: (Smiles) Thanks guys, your the best.

Ryder and the Pups then gave Chase and Skye a group hug, however, their group hug didn't last long, because a few seconds later, Swift and Sylvia appeared on the T.V Screen of the Lookout.

Chase: That's Swift and Sylvia! (Pointing to the screen)

Rubble: What do you want from them?

Swift: So, these are your teammates Chase? Hmmm, Well, they seem just as Weak as you and Skye.

Rubble: Hey, I let you know that I am actually quite strong!

Swift: Oh, I am so scared from strong Rubble. (Mocking)

Sylvia: Anyway, we found out how to call you 2, and since our Plan A didn't work, we are now doing Plan B.

Ryder and all the other Pups including Chase and Skye were confused about what Swift and Sylvia said.

Chase: And what is your Plan B? (Confused)

Swift: Well, I always have a Plan B prepared whenever my First plan fails. And let's just say that, instead of calling it the Lookout, maybe you should start calling your place, the Boomout! (Evily Laughing)

Ryder and all the Pups still couldn't understand what they meant by that. But all of a sudden, Swift pressed a button, and there was a Tick sound, and all of a Sudden, the Entire Lookout exploded, Sending Ryder and all of the Pups flying out of the Lookout, and from a distance away, Jake and Carlos witnessed the whole explosion, and immediately rushed toward the Lookout, and they found Ryder and all of the Pups on the ground, unconscious and Badly Injured.

Jake: Oh my God! I am calling an Ambulance!

A Minute later, an Ambulance arrived and Ryder and all of the Pups were carefully carried, and sent to the hospital.

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