Chapter 15: An Unlikely Alliance.

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Am hour later...

Chase and The Turbots woke up and groaned in pain.

Chase: (Groaning) Are you OK Francois and Cap'n Turbot?

Cap'n Turbot: We have a few cuts, but I think we will be fine. (Groaning)

Chase: (Realizes) Wait, where are all of the Pups? (Remembers) Swift and Sylvia took them all, I hope they didn't hurt any of them. (Realizes something else) Wait, they didn't get Everest!

Chase then tried to give Everest a call.

Chase: Please answer. (Praying)

Everest picked up.

Everest: Yeah Chase, what's up?

Chase: Everest, wherever you are, you need to get out of there Now!

Everest: Why, what's wrong? Did something happen?

Chase: Swift and Sylvia took all of the Pups hostage, and I'm pretty sure they are coming after you too.

Everest: Is my Marshall okay?

Just then, Sylvia grabbed Everest from behind and also wrapped her in a Sleeperhold.

Chase: Everest!

Everest tired her best to get out of Sylvia's hold, but then, She started fading, and her blue eyes started to get weary and close, and then Everest stopped struggling, and was out cold.

Swift: Ha, too late!

Swift and Sylvia then picked up Everest and put her in the Bag, and then they left with their Jetpacks and the bag.

Chase: Oh, No, I am too late. And now I am all alone. (Starts crying)

But then, Chase came up with an idea.

Chase: (To himself) This will probably not work out, but this is pretty much the only option that I have at this point. I will try to go to Barkingburg and Find Sweetie. And I will see, if she is willing to help me, because I can't go against Swift and Sylvia by myself.

Chase then got into his old PAW Patrol Police Uniform, into his old Police Vehicle, and drove his Police Truck on his way to Barkingburg.


Swift and Sylvia have arrived at Swift's second base that he had.

Sylvia: I have got to say, you came really prepared for this.

But then, as Swift started to pull the Unconscious Pups out of the bag, and tie them up against Poles, Sylvia started to fell really bad about what Swift was doing.

Sylvia: You know Swift, maybe this isn't such a Good idea,.. I mean, don't you think we are taking this a little too far?

Swift then pinned Sylvia against a Wall and held his paws on her throat almost choking her.

Swift: Don't tell me your starting to be on their side! I will take out These Pups very soon, and I will take out Chase as well, and if you have a problem with that, then, I might have to kill you before I even kill them!

Sylvia: No, of course not. (Scared and trying to catch her breath)

Swift then released his pressure off of Sylvia.

Swift: Good! Now let's tie the rest of these Pups up before they wake up and try to get away.

Sylvia Now couldn't believe what she had gotten herself into, she knew what was the Right thing to do, and was willing to finally let the past all go, and give up on Chase and try to help them, but she knew if she tried, Swift would kill her, she knew she made a Big mistake that now she couldn't get out of.


Chase had Now finally arrived at Barkingburg, and the Princess was at the Gate, and she welcomed Chase.

The Princess: Oh, Hi Chase, how is my Favourite Pup doing?

Chase: Hey your highness, Actually, No, I am not doing good. I really need to talk to your Pup.

The Princess: Why? What's wrong?

Chase: Well, you probably didn't hear about what happened, but... (Sighs) our leader Ryder, and our Teammates,  Rocky, Zuma and Tracker passed away a few months ago, and I will tell you what happened another day.

The Princess: Oh No, I am so sorry to hear that.

The Princess then got down on her Knee, and gave Chase a pat on the head.
Chase: Thanks, And now the 2 Pups who did it now have my Friends and Girlfriend hostage, and I was wondering if maybe your Pup could help me.

The Princess: Alright sure, you can see her.

Chase then entered the Castle and greeted the Earl as Well.

Chase: Hey Earl.

The Earl of Barkingburg: Hi Chase, welcome.

Chase then eventually found Sweetie in the Hallway.

Sweetie: (Growls) Why are you here? What are you doing here?

Chase: Sweetie, don't worry, I am not here to give you any hard time, trust me!

Sweetie then stopped her growling.

Sweetie: Well, what do you want from me then, It better be Important.

Chase: I just want your help.

Sweetie almost laughed at what Chase said.

Sweetie: You want my help? No, I am sorry, I can't do that, you always stop me from taking the Crown.

Sweetie then started to walk away from Chase.

Chase: But Wait, Some of my teammates and Friends were killed a few months ago, Ryder, Rocky, Zuma and Tracker, and the 2 Pups who did it were my brother Swift and my Ex-Girlfriend Sylvia, and now, they have the rest of My Friends and my Girlfriend, Skye, hostage. And I would do anything to keep them safe and have all of them back, especially my Girlfriend reunited with me, but I guess your too Cruel to even help me with that!

Chase then started to walk away sadly, and for the First time ever, Sweetie felt awful and despite how she really wanted to get revenge on the PAW Patrol Sometimes, she definitely still had a lot of Compassion for them, especially Rubble, since he was the Pup who saved her from the Ghosts that she created about a year back.

Sweetie: Wait!

Chase then stopped walking away.

Sweetie: It's alright, I will help you get them back!

Chase was really surprised.

Chase: Really, you will help me, Thanks so much! (Happy)

Chase then gave Sweetie a hug, which she this time kindly accepted.

Sweetie: Alright Then, let me go get my upgraded gear and tools, and then let's get back your Friends! And I also hope Rubble is alright.

Chase: Alright! (Feeling more relieved)

Chase also was a bit happy about what Sweetie said, and he knew that Rubble has a Crush on her too.

Chase: After this is over, I am going to convince Rubble to tell Sweetie how he feels. (says to himself)

Chase and Sweetie then got into their much upgraded gear and packs, and then, they waved bye to the Earl and Princess and were now on their way to save Chase's Teammates and his Girlfriend.

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