Learning Who I Am

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WARNING: Sexual content is in this chapter. I will warn you when it's about to start and when it's over


Diamond's POV

"What do you mean SHE'S your daughter!?" Lexi screeched.

"We will explain. Everyone, please take a seat." the Queen said.

We all sat on the couch and looked at the king and queen, waiting for them to say something.

"It all happened on a sunny winter day." the queen began. "I found out that I was pregnant with my first child. Three months later I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. She was the spitting image of both Donny and me. One day we learned of rogues in our territory, they wanted our baby. See, she was a special wolf. We read a book and reliazed that she was the wolf from the prophecy. Silver like her mother and had a heart on her chest like her father. She would have the power of all the elements, plus more. We knew that the rogues weren't going to stop attacking until they got her so we..." she began to weep.

"We had to give her away to our best friends, Jackson and Cassie who lived in this pack. We didn't know that they lived in this pack and they died trying to protect the future queen of werewolves. We are so glad we found you." the king said to me.

"I remeber. You were so happy that you even made me a nursery. It was purple and blue. It had a rocking horse and a toy bin full of toys. I even rember when you first called me diamond. It wasn't even my name yet, but you said my eyes reminded you of beautiful chocolate diamonds. I even remeber when I first met my mom and dad and that dream I had about my mom and dad taking me from you guys was a memory." I gasped rembering every detail from my past.

"How can she remeber all of that if she was a baby when it happened?" asked Jason.

"Do you have a heart on the chest of your wolf?" the queen asked.

"Yes, it's purple. Why?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Well all the eldest royal men have a blue heart on their chest, and since your mother was only able to have two children and you both came out as girls the oldest got the symbol on them. The only way the next boy, or in this case girl, can get it is if the eldest steps down from the throne, if they don't take it at all, or if the eldest doesn't have any kids. This heart gives you a photographic memory and the power of one of the four elements, but since you are silver like your mother, you have all four elements, plus you can control things with your mind and if you stare into someone's eyes long enough, you can read their mind, see their past, and even take control of their body." King Donny explained.

"That's amazing." I smiled.

"When you turn the age of twenty you may take your place as queen, but only if you want to." Queen Daisy said.

"I would love to." I hugged her.

"Well, we have a lot of talking to do and we have to get to know each other." laughed the queen.

"If you don't mind I would really like to talk and catch up in the morning." I yawned.

"Of course, Diamond." the king stood up.

"We'll just sleep in a guest room for tonight and we'll talk in the morining." the queen stood next to him.

"Thank you, mom and dad." I smiled.

"Your welcome, daughter." they hugged me.

Everyone went upstairs and I went to my room to change. I had just taking off my dress and heels when the door opened.

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