Chapter 1 - Dumbledores will

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I gasped as I sat up in bed. Another nightmare had made me its victim. I dreamt of Voldemort, killing Harry then Ron and Hermione, all of the order, then finally killing Draco. He had turned a sadistic smile to me and shot a jet of green right to my chest.

I sat up rubbing away the sticky hair from my sweaty face. I haven't seen Harry in a month. The wizarding world has grown even darker in that time, Voldemort gains more and more power every day.

Today was the day the order was planning to go get Harry. I wasn't allowed to be apart of it and had to sit at the burrow and wait for them to arrive. Outside my window from the room I share with Ginny and Hermione the sun had only just begun to rise.

I quickly got up and got dressed before making my way downstairs to help Mrs Weasley with anything I could. Keeping busy helped keep my mind off things and with bill and Fleur's wedding just around the corner, there was plenty to do. I walked into the kitchen to find Mrs Weasley having a cup of tea and reading the Daily Prophet.

"Adrena, good morning dear, sleep alright?" She asked with kind eyes.

"Yes, I did, what about you?" I asked politely.

"Fine dear. If you want to get started on breakfast for everyone I'll be in in just a moment. I just want to finish this news article and my tea."

I nodded my head and went into the kitchen. I started making bacon and eggs, then quickly moved on to hash browns. I made sure to make at least ten servings of everything. There were so many people packed into this small house it wasn't even funny. I also set up a cereal station with several boxes of cereal and three jugs of milk. I had just finished when Mrs Weasley walked in.

"I'm sorry Adrena, Arthur and I got caught up in a conversation. Thank you for cooking. I can't believe you made all of this by yourself!" She said looking around happily.

I gave her a small smile and shrugged. To be honest I was just happy to help. I then asked for another job and she asked to wake everyone up. I complied and by 7:30 everyone was sitting around a large table eating. There were several makeshift tables around the larger one to fit everyone. I sat between Hermione and Ron, both were quiet. Hermione was mourning the loss of her parents. They hadn't died, but she wiped their memories and had no idea they even had a child. They apparently also moved to Australia. Ron looked to be happy to just soak in being with his family. I felt a bit lost at the table. I was terrified about tonight, scared that someone in the room would die getting Harry to the burrow, that Harry would die on his way here.

I quickly excused myself and went outside. The burrow looked a bit different than it had before. It was not as many levels but wider. It had been destroyed a couple of months ago during Christmas. We would have been staying at Grimauld place but Sirius had to flee since Snape knew about it. Sirius ended up in a cottage on a beach somewhere. It was isolated and hard to get to. He must be going insane by himself. He has buckbeak though. Sirius would be joining us tonight and for the next couple of days until the wedding is over. He would be in disguise with poly juice potion around non-order members. He promised Harry and I that as soon as everything was over he would adopt us and we would be a family. That is if we can prove his innocence. Harry reckons that if we win the war we can convince them to use veritiserum on him in court.

The rest of the day I was out De- gnomeing the garden. It was the worst job, but it kept me busy and Mrs Weasley was always happy that someone had done it. I got bit a fair few times, by the time I headed back to the house my hands were a bit bloody. When I got to the door everyone was leaving. They were all on there way to Harry.

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