Chapter 11 | John

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Leaving the building, I checked to see if I was still in her field of view. Once I was certain Cecile couldn't see me, I began to feel really light headed but in a good way. I wasn't sure if I had ever experienced such euphoria.

A goofy grin spreading across my face, I glanced up at the starry sky admiring its beauty. Well, I tried to at least, but my brain had been permanently imprinted by the gorgeous cyanette. Honestly, I didn't want to think about anyone or anything else. She is enough.

As if on command, redness fazed onto my entire face. I buried it in my hands, muffling my cry of relief. Without her watching me, I could let go and display the true array of my emotions. I chuckled, unable to believe how lucky I was. We're a couple!! I was ecstatic beyond words.

Deciding to make my way back to the dorms, I began frolicking gleefully away from my lover's dorm. Uno momento...
Turning on my heel, " Cecile!" I called back into the block. After the short moment of stillness passed, I saw a familiar silhouette walking up to a window on the first floor. The dark shape opened it revealing her crisply cut, cyan hair as well as her gleaming smile. Again, she looked with anticipation burning in her amethyst irises.

"I love you, Baby!", I cried, high on endorphins.

Other students began, coldly,  peering at me through their windows.

" I love you too!", the apple of my eye, yelled, waving at me hysterically.

Blowing her a kiss, I skipped across the courtyard to my building. My cheeks hurt from my broad smile.  On my way there I passed two of my peers, a boy with orange and a girl with pink hair. I didn't care enough to register who they were."Top of the morning to ya, laddies!", I screamed at their alarmed faces.  They backed away as I twirled past them, head in the clouds.

"It's 8 pm.", I heard the girl mutter.

"Shush!", the orange-head nudged her.

Soon enough, I was back in my dorm greeted my Blyke chomping down on one of my many cookies. "Hi, Blyke!", I saluted him cheerfully. He gave me a weird look.

"Hey, John....?", he replied, obviously confused, "Why was Cecile here?"

"We were studying.", I said in a sing-song voice, dancing through the living room, in the direction of the bathroom, " Goodnight!"

"Sure.", he raised his eyebrows, sceptical.

After having a cold shower, I readied myself for bed. I glanced at my clock. Ugh, it's only 9 pm. Laying on my bed, I stared at the ceiling, thinking about today's events. It was all such a rush! This morning I was still silent in the colourless void of guilt and emptiness, but then Cecile showed up, there to support me when I needed her most. Something clicked. She spun my world around, becoming the centre of my universe.

What I considered the biggest difference between Cecile and Seraphina or Claire was that, even though we didn't know anything about each other,  we were honest. She didn't hide her intentions when we became allies. She was straight forward which I appreciated. Not to mention that she knew my secret, which already put her a few steps ahead of Seraphina. 

Besides, when I was with Cecile I never pretended to be something I wasn't, I let her see me from all angles, including my worst, aggressive, manipulative side. Yet, even after viciously beating her in public as Joker, she still wanted me. I feel so bad about that, I should apologize, I should've gone easier on her. I chuckled noticing How much I wanted to apologize. I guess, when push comes to shove, my partner in crime brings out the best in me.

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