10 ~ The Redemption

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Reilly picked at her food for another few minutes and just as she was about to give up, Blake came back into the kitchen and warmed up his food. Without a word he waited for the microwave to ding and took out his warmed food, before he sat down next to her.

"I'm sorry," he said after a while.

"It's okay," she responded softly, shovelling her spaghetti into her mouth.

"Is it really?" Blake asked, wiping a piece of wayward spaghetti off Reilly's chin. It took everything in her not to shiver at his touch.

"If I asked, would you tell me why you left?" Reilly asked, trying her best to gather composure.

"Probably not," he answered, his posture stiffening.

"See, so it's just okay."

They finished the meal in silence, both not sure what to do or say next. Reilly stood up and gathered the plates, quietly putting them in the sink. She opened the tap and jumped back in shock when the water followed the curve of the plates and splashed right back at her.

Blake burst out in laughter and Reilly tried looking offended before joining him, breaking the awkward atmosphere that almost drowned them.

Silence fell over them again. Reilly stared at Blake as he washed the dishes. Her eyes took in his rolled up sleeves, his ruffled up hair and the stubble that made him look impossibly more handsome. He smelled of cigarettes and alcohol, a familiar scent for Reilly.

"What's wrong?" he asked, interrupting the unwelcome memories that were flowing into Reily's head.

"Nothing," she croaked, wiping away a tear that managed to sneaked out.

"I'm noticing a theme here," Blake whispered. Putting the last piece of cutlery on the dry rack.

"Since neither of us have anything to say to each other, what are we going to do?" Reilly asked.

"Well, I've got more Station 19 we can watch?" Blake responded, already getting his laptop set up as he spoke. Reilly layed down on the bed and waited in anticipation for the next episode to start.

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