Chapter 13: "All I need is you."

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I felt on top of the world at this moment, sitting next to Tobias with his hand gently rested on my knee and my dreaded present en route to being my past. I thought about how my life had begun to change in a span of a few days and that was all because of Tobias Wrexler.

He made me find my voice, something I thought I had lost a long time ago and it was a beautiful feeling. I had been speechless in the worst of ways throughout my whole relationship but as soon as Tobias walked into my life, I felt my starvation being fed and he gave me back my voice. Little by little I was finding me, I was becoming the woman that I was supposed to be, not the version of myself that Chase moulded me into.

I looked out of the window watching the huge houses go past one by one turning into humbler homes, I felt Tobias' fingers caress my bare skin, soothing me with his touch. My smile was broad and body felt light, I was elated and nothing could bring me down from my high.

A short while later we pulled up to my childhood home, stepping out of the car I breathed in the woodsy air and looked at the home that brought me nothing but happy memories in front of me. I felt Tobias' presence next to me, without looking at him I put out my hand for him to take hold of mine and soon enough our fingers intertwined.

We walked hand in hand with my suitcases in our unoccupied hands. As we walked through the threshold I felt tranquil, no-one but my aunt and I had been in this house but now I got a chance to share it with someone who means something so special to me. I watched Tobias look around the space and I knew he felt it, I knew he felt the warmth that radiated from these walls.

He glanced back over to me as his smile broadened, he began walking over to be, when we were only inches away from each other he placed his palms on either side of my cheeks and placed a passionate kiss on my lips before pulling away and leaving me in a cloudy haze. He moved his hands down to my hips bringing me back to him and sending me an award-winning smile. "So, tell me."

I smirked before grabbing hold of his large hand, pulling along my suitcases with his help and climbing the stairs with excitement running from the pads of my feet to the tip of my spine. We made it to my room, the room that used to be owned by my favourite person in the world. I looked at the closed door before turning around and putting my hand on his chest.

"Wait -" I closed my eyes in embarrassment. "This is embarrassing. Um - no-one but me or my Aunt have been in this room." I pull a lock of hair behind my ear looking at the floor. The tips of his fingers pulled my head up to look at him "It's not embarrassing at all, I actually feel quite flattered to be the first one to come in here. I know this place means a lot to you so it means a lot to me too. If you want me to stay outside I can, I wouldn't want to tarnish this for you."

I shook my head with a small smile on my face, still looking at him I found the doorknob and opened the door as I grabbed onto his top and pulled him inside until his body was pressed up against mine and my lips were on his. I hummed in between kisses as I felt the dull ache between my thighs and the pounding butterflies in my stomach rile up.

"I brought you here because I want you here, no-one else has ever deserved to be here." I said as I slowly pecked his lips once more. I pulled away from him before looking around my room and announcing. "This place holds all of my beautiful memories with the woman who raised me, my Aunt. She played the mother role to me when my mother didn't understand how and she played the father role because in all honesty, he didn't want to."

I said those painful words trying to hold in the hurt before walking back over to him and putting on my oscar-winning performance of making him believe that I was okay, I was fine. "This is why it means so much to me. She gave me true happiness, she gave me love and she gave me a house, a place to call home. But she also showed me that sometimes home isn't always a where, but sometimes a who."

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