Chapter 22: "Come back to me."

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As soon as the words left my lips I felt my mouth go dry, my throat close up and my palms grow sweaty. I wanted to be ready for this, I wanted this so bad, in fact I needed this.

So why, once I said it out loud did it feel like the walls were closing in around me? That strength that I once had slowly lifted away from me and I realised that again, this was really real.

I was about to march into the house I used to call home and tell the man I thought I loved that I wanted a divorce. This was probably going to be one of the hardest conversations I was ever going to have.

My body was ready to leave Chase and wrap itself around Tobias but my mind... Well, my mind was moving a mile a minute as I thought of every possible negative scenario that could come out of this. Was I ready for all of that?

I had to be because I meant every word that I said to Tobias, I was his, mind, body, heart and soul. I couldn't do that if I was tied to another man when the man I wanted to be with was standing right in front of me.

And his name was Tobias, he was the cure for my brokenness, the antidote for my torn heart, and the remedy for my damaged soul.

He knew what I was thinking, he knew the internal struggle I was going through once the words slipped out and just like every other time I've needed him, he was there for me. We had just had an argument about this exact situation and yet here he is walking towards me, wrapping his arms around my body and kissing my forehead to calm the conflict within. "I'm right here, okay?"

I leaned into his body letting his gentle touch and intoxicating aroma take over my senses, he just had this way about him that soothed me. I breathed him in as he breathed the colour back into me. I could feel him looking at me as if to check if I was okay and I was. I was always okay in his arms.

I looked up at him to see the concern on his face, I already knew I would see it because I knew how deeply he cared for me. He placed his thumb and index finger under my chin, pulling me into him for a meaningful kiss, I melted into him as I felt his lips touch mine.

Lip by lip he pulled away from me, resting his forehead on mine and his breath fanning my face. "Just breathe baby, in and out. I won't let anything happen to you, I promise."

His fingers were still under my chin and his other hand cradled my waist, he wasn't aware but he was capturing me in more ways that one.

I felt my eyes glazing over but it wasn't because I was upset, I was just overwhelmed at what I was feeling for him and it was becoming abundantly clear how fast I was falling for Tobias.

His words were beautiful but his actions was ethereal. I was never unsure of what he felt for me and that was something I had always hoped for in my marriage but now I see that that marriage was to the wrong person.

"I'm trying to be strong Tobias but I'm - I'm struggling." He shook his head lightly as he looked down at me with a small smile on his lips. "You don't have to put a brave face on for me gorgeous, I already know how strong you are." He placed a gentle kiss on the tip of my nose before his head lowered to look down at our feet.

"You already know how much I hate that you're doing this and I hate that you're putting yourself in danger but I also know that you want this." He looked back up at me, still towering over me but this time his height seemed so much more gentle and less intimidating. He was standing at my equal, he was showing me that I had my own voice, my own power, and my own strength just by the way stood with me.

"You are strong enough to do this, he just made you feel like he took your strength away from you. Find it baby, it's in you." He squeezed my hip causing me to smile at his gesture. "I see it everyday in your walk, in the way you talk, the way you carry yourself and in the way you care." The way he enunciated the word care made my eyes grow a little wider, I knew what he meant and maybe he had realised it before I did but those thoughts weren't ready to be made real.

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