Chapter 20: "I want you for dinner."

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3 weeks later...

With my iPad in hand I look over at this beautiful man standing behind his camera focusing on his client with intent and I couldn't help but smile. These last few weeks have been a type of bliss that I never knew existed, our days were filled with laughter and light and no day was the same.

Tobias lived his life with spontaneity and happiness and I couldn't help but want the same, he never let me leave his side which I loved and at any given moment, he showed me off in the most subtle but beautiful way. He knew my situation and always remained respectful but never shied away from a chance to show me how much he cared for me.

And our evenings were spent going on amazing dates, whether they were at home eating a home-cooked meal or outdoors in a stunning secret location eating a Michelin star cuisine, they were all so beautiful and in the days he stayed true to his word; I was his protege.

Each day his busy schedule was filled with different shoots all over the city and he took me every single one, he wanted me next to him at all times which I completely loved. He always had a space set up for me to watch him do his thing and whenever I wanted to ask questions he would answer them with no problem and with a stunning smile on his face.

Being able to be this close to him and see him make his magic was a magnificent sight to see, he was so intricate and his attention to detail was stellar but what did I expect? He was like that in everything. If I've learned anything in the month we've spent together, I've learned that just like everything else in his life, he does it with passion and so focussed. He was surely a piece of art.

I breathed a deep sigh as the world melted away whilst I watched him, there was nothing else but him. His fiery passionate eyes looking into the camera knowing what his vision was, his perfectly sculpted jaw clenching ever so slightly when he concentrated, his fingers threading through his curly hair every so often, his toned back and arms flexing as he moved, his frame rising and lowering in height as he transitioned to get a better angle.

I could feel my body warming as I surveyed over him. He must have been sculpted by Michelangelo himself and he was all mine. I bit my lip and felt my cheeks flushing at the thought, just pretend you're watching him work I said to myself but my ogling was clearly too obvious when I saw his fiery eyes met mine and his lips begin to move. Shit.

I witnessed him begin to blush discreetly, he looked around to see if anyone had noticed our intimate moment before walking over to the client to show her some of the shots he had gotten. I nervously walked over to the sofa sitting at the back of the studio and sat down as slowly as I could, that shy look that Tobias had given me made me weak at the knees.

I let my head fall back and took a deep breath, I was seconds away from jumping him, it had been way too long. Our shoots these last few days have been super early and long hours as Mr. Wrexler is a perfectionist so we haven't had much time after our evening dates and it was getting harder and harder hiding our relationship.

I sighed getting my phone out to compose another text to my uncle for an update on the divorce proceedings, I knew this would take time but it had been 3 weeks and still, nothing had moved along. I lifted my head to see my happiness walking towards me with one hand in his jean pocket and the other swaying as he walked. I swear this man should be a model.

I bit my smile back as I watched him, we was away from the rest of the crew so no-one could really see much of what we were doing unless you got close. He knelt down in front of me and placed one hand dangerously high up my thigh. "Do you mind if we skipped our dinner date tonight?"

My heart immediately sank as I thought that he didn't want to spend tonight with me, him not being there when I woke up was a scary thought. As if he knew what I was thinking he smirked tilting his head to the side before taking a hold of my hand, discreetly pulling it down to feel the bulge suffocating inside of his jeans. I gasped as I felt my legs clench and a puddle form between my thighs.

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