Chapter 7: Our home

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"Hey, it's Monroe. No - no, I'm okay. I'm so sorry for calling so late - I didn't expect to call so soon either. Can - can I come over?"

I got out of the car, still feeling as numb as ever until I saw the figure of the person I needed most. I ran over to the front porch, threw my hands around her neck as I felt her warm arms engulf me in their love and finally, I felt some life being brought back into me.

"Hi baby girl. I've missed you so much." I felt the tears begin to roll down my face as she pressed a delicate kiss to my cheek. "Let me get a look at you, sweetie."

I finally pulled away and looked at her in her eyes, they spoke of nothing but love and care. She always made me feel safe, loved, praised and appreciated. The one person in my life who had never let me down.

"Clarise, I missed you so much aunty, there were so many times that I wanted to be selfish and call you to come home but I didn't want to take you away from Uncle." I lightly chuckled as she cupped my cheeks.

"Well you know your uncle, he is very very possessive of the time we have together and he knows I would have dropped everything for you, my sweet niece. How are you holding up?"

Her smile faltered as she read the sadness within me, it was like I didn't even have to say anything for her to know something was wrong. I mean, she was the woman who raised me, who else would know me as much as she?

"You pulled me away from my bed at 3.38am, I hope this means what I think it does. You better be ready for this, I didn't drive all this way for you to back out now." And there is was, my sweet loving aunty who played the role of every important person in my life; the mother figure, the best friend, the confidant, the therapist and my favourite one of all, the sassy 'bring me back down to earth' cool aunt. God, I had missed her.

After not having her close by for 2 years, it really did make my heart grow fonder. But I couldn't blame her for leaving, she fell in love with the most amazing man who wanted to show her the world and he did, by surprising her with a trip around the world. They ventured every culture, tasted every cuisine, and visited every landmark. She told me that he wanted to show the world that he loved her and that's exactly what he did.

Their love is so beautiful and so pure, if one day I can even replicate something even close to what they have then I would be content. But I was starting to realise that that wouldn't happen with Chase Bishop.

"I'm don't know if and when I'm leaving him aunty but I'm ready for this step. And you don't even know how much it means to me that you did this for me."

She gave me a glowing smile and reached for my hand, we locked fingers just like we had done all of my life. I was never embarrassed about the affection that she showed me, I was just so proud to walk around with such an amazing guardian, something my parents didn't know how to do.

"You know your parents and your husband would hate me for doing this." She sighed as we walked up the steps to the cosy, rustic but modern house in front of us.

"I know - just, thank you so much. When you sent me that letter 3 months ago explaining that you got it for me, I was just so confused but I get it now. You always knew what I needed before I needed it." Again her smile sparkling like diamonds.

"Well sweetie, you know how I feel about your husband but I would never push you to leave him. I just wanted you to have something of your own, you know your parents they -" she sighed again as if she was going to say something but hesitated.

"They wanted you to want for nothing but they did it in the wrong way. I just need to know that if anything ever happened my baby girl would have something of her own to fall back on. I had to do this for you."

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