Chapter 35: Yours always, Roe xx

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"I'll be there."

My words swarmed my mind as I drove back to Tobias' house in deep silence, all I could hear was the pieces of my broken-heart shattering around me and my tears falling into my lap. I wiped my tears with the back of my hands as I drove. I knew I wasn't in the right mindset to drive but I just needed to be away from Chase. I needed to say goodbye to my life with Tobias.

I needed to be around him once more, even if he wasn't there. I needed to be in our place one last time before I left his life for good. This would break him and I wasn't ready to see the man I loved in pain because of me.

I begged, pleaded and prayed with every higher power that they would give him the strength to go on and hopefully one day forgive me.

I just hoped that this wouldn't be the end but I couldn't do it on my own. I needed help, I needed somebody to make sense of all of this. This couldn't be the end, it couldn't be.

I unlocked the front door to Tobias' house, closing it quietly behind me before I felt my body slide down the floor. The tears that had threatened to spill finally fell at an uncontrollable rate. This was all too much.

Why couldn't he just leave me alone? Why did I have to be with him? All I wanted was Tobias. Tobias made me happy, he made me feel loved in every single way, there wasn't a day that went past that I didn't laugh until I cried with Tobias. He was my happiness but it just looked like everyone in my life other than Clarise and Xavier wanted to strip that happiness away from me.

What had I done to deserve all of this?

I leaned my head against the door behind me looking at the dark halls that I knew so well, my heart was torn to shreds just as I had begun piecing it back together. I was finally okay, finally happy and finally in the best place I had ever been in a long time. Things were going to be different now, Tobias and I were planning a life together and now - I just didn't know what to do.

My heart was aching and I felt so useless. In this moment, I realised how much I had been damaged, how much my parents how maliciously sheltered me from real life, all they wanted me to know was Chase. They never wanted me to have the capabilities to leave him and look at me now, going back to the person I prayed to get away from.

I was walking myself back into my own personal hell because this felt like the only option, I had to do this, I had to do this for Tobias.

I went over Tobias and I's conversation about him not caring about a scandal, he said it didn't matter, he said I was the most important to him but what he never understood was how evil Chase really was. It wouldn't just be a scandal, Chase would manipulate everything to the point that Tobias would never work again, anywhere.

He would turn my beautiful Tobias into a villain and if I had anything to do with it, I would never let that happen. So, as much as it hurts right now I knew I was doing the right thing by leaving. I knew Tobias deserved so much more than the consequences of me loving him, he deserved so much more than what Chase would do.

And that's why I stood up from the floor, walked towards his living area and wrote. My tears dampened the paper as I poured my feelings out to Tobias, I wanted him to know that my love for him would never end even if he didn't believe it.

I won't get to hold him as he reads the letter, I won't get to wipe away his tears and I won't be able to grieve the loss of our love together. But one day we will look back on this and laugh, one day we will have that future we planned together.

The letter wasn't long, but I hope he knows I meant every word, I hope he knows that ever tear that fell onto the paper was for him. I hope he believes in us enough to know that I'm doing all of this for him, I'm doing all of this so he can live the happiness that he showed me every day while we were together.

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