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I was awoken by the sound of a soft whimper coming from the crib next to Monroe. I lifted my head to look over to her side as she began to stir. I knew how tired Monroe had been these last few weeks so I took over as many nights as possible. I placed a soft kiss on her forehead before pushing her hair out of her face. "Go back to sleep babe, I got it."

She gave me a thankful smile before drifting off back to sleep. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and walked over to the crib. I looked down with a smile.

His baby blue babygrow with the lettering TJ over one side, his face had reddened ever so slightly from his soft cries and his bottom lip had curled downwards. I smiled shaking my head at him before I leaned down gently picking him up into my arms.

I supported his head and neck just like the midwives had shown me and gently bounced him in my arms soothing him as I walked out of our bedroom and into his. "Are you giving mummy a hard time again little man?"

I playfully asked as I gently sat down in the grey velvet rocking chair. I smiled as I caressed his little face, the same face that matched his beautiful mothers. He was the spitting image of her, with his soft brown curls that were a mixture of mine and Monroe's and I couldn't have been prouder.

His crying had slowed as he looked up at me, he knew me, I was his dad and moments like this I couldn't help but be the happiest I've ever been. I stroked his soft little hand with the back of my finger and somehow my little man had found his way to curl his little fingers around my index finger.

"You have to give your mummy some rest, she's doing the best she can but she has to sleep, so you little Mr have to be quiet. Or just tell daddy." I said leaning down to rub my nose against his tiny one, his other hand was trying to grab my face causing me to laugh.

"You are mummy and daddy's whole world, you know that?" I said speaking to him as firmly as I could but I knew I couldn't with his face looking up at me like that. I ended up smiling even harder as I spoke to him.

"We love you and we promise to give you the best life that we possibly can. And I promise to make your mummy happy every day of her life. Daddy can't wait for mummy to be his wife but I'll wait forever, as long as she smiles every day."

"And she does smile every day." I looked up to see a tiredly smiling Monroe leaning against the doorframe. The bags under her eyes were evident but she was still the most beautiful woman I had ever met. I smile up at her. "Did I wake you?"

She leaned off the door and sashayed over to us, standing next to the rocking chair and gently caressing our son's hair. She whispered "No, baby you didn't. I couldn't go back to sleep without seeing my boys."

I stood up from the chair smiling at her before we walked over to the changing table. Monroe followed behind putting her hand on my back watching our son wriggle around as I changed his nappy. I moved behind her and she gently tickled his tummy as his hands reached for hers. "Hi, my handsome boy."

She whispered playfully before she leaned down to kiss his hand. My arms snaked around her waist, she lifted up and leaned against my chest. I placed a kiss on her cheek before resting my chin on her shoulder and her hands went to cover mine with a content hum. "I love you."

She sighed contently again. "I love you too. I'm going to feed him and then we can all go back to bed." I kissed her forehead before pulling away from her. She gently lifted him up and walked over to the rocking chair and began to feed him.

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