Angel's path

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,,I'm Alice Angel."

Blood stiffened in your veins. You turned slowly, but you saw...nothing. Nothing! There wasn't any sign of moving.

,,W-what?" you stammered. ,,I can swear that someone was talking behind me-"

But suddenly another text began to appear in the book.

Don't look so scared, little girl. Don't worry. Your angel is always watching.

,,W-Who are you?" you called out with shaky voice.

The reason why you're here.

You stiffened again.

The reason why you're here...


But the book didn't respond. You were looking at it for a few more seconds, but nothing, until you heard steps and movements of the paper from a distance.

,,Oh shit, Bendy!" you whispered under your breath and ran to the opposite side of the hallway as far away from Bendy as possible. But that wasn't the best idea. He heard everything. Especially your loud run through the corridors.

You heard his steps turned into run, and when you turned, you saw Bendy running after you. You knew he would certainly take the book away from you. No, no, you couldn't let that happen. Only this book can at the moment lead you to your sister.

You ran to the other side of the corridor, with the book in your hands. Only after a moment you noticed that there was another text.

Miracle booth.

Miracle knew what it was. You've already seen them, but you didn't know what they were for.

You continued escaping and running away, your eyes desperately looking for refuge what the book wrote you.

And you found it.

Booth was right in front of you. Even though you were already on the brink of your strength, you did your hardest and ran to it as fast as you could. You quickly opened it and jumped into it. You were expecting Bendy to just smash the booth in few seconds and find you, you thought the game was over. But it wasn't like that at all. Suddenly, the demon's run turned into his normal, shaky step. He passed the booth, not even looking at it. He didn't even hear your pounding heart and your fast breathing.

When you were sure that Bendy was far enough, you slowly slid out of the booth and stared at the book.

Well done. I see you're ready to meet with the angel. You already know the way. Level 9.

And that was it. Everything the book wrote. You didn't really know the way. All you could do was finding a lift and get there, hoping Bendy wouldn't catch you this time.

You took your step from where you came and walked until you saw a lift in the distance. You ran to it as quietly as you could. But when you came to it, there was one problem. The lift was on a completely different floor. You frowned, pressing the button.

But, as soon as you pressed it, you heard a sound from the distance. The sound of something.. inhuman, but it wasn't Bendy. When you turned, you saw how a "thing" without a particular shape emerged from the puddle of ink. It immediately looked at you and started crawling to you with a growl.

'What the hell?!' you screamed in your head, looking around for anything with what you could defend yourself.

But, you were unlucky. Nothing was around.

The closer the figure was getting, the faster you were pressing the button.

There were sparks of hope in your eyes when you finally saw the incoming lift.

,,Come on come on come on!" you were muttering in rush as the door opened. Without hesitation, you jumped in and quickly pressed the button 9. But unfortunately for you, the figure has gotten into the lift in half. Its hands were reaching out for you, its legs were in the air, outside of the lift. Well, not for too long. As the lift crossed the P floor, the figure broke apart. Yes, broke apart. There was nothing left but a blot of ink that got on your skin, too. You tried to rub it off, but opening of the lift door and slight movement of the book interrupted you.

Come on, step out of your cage.

Was written in a book.

There's a whole, twisted world down here.

With your heart pounding out off your chest, you stepped out and headed to the large metal door behind which was the hall where you heard your sister's voice. The door opened as soon as you reached it. With a little hesitation and fear, but at the same time with tautness and excitement, you wandered through the corridors and headed to the end of the hall. After a few seconds, you ended up running.

It's here. It's here..

But when you reached the very end of the corridors, you found yourself in a dark room with a big, glass window behind which was the table with cuffs and table with some switches. Your enthusiasm was gone again. Like all your past tryings, nobody was here.

,,Allison...?" you called out into the darkness. And that's when you felt a cold touch on your shoulder.

A/N: How did you like this chapter?😄And, thanks for 388 reads❤️

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