Game is on

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We're getting closer and closer to the final chapter *sobs*
I hope you're gonna enjoy this one ^^

,,Henry... I can't do this anymore..." you sighed as you fell to the ground.

,,You can, (Y/N)," he said as he lifted you up. ,,Come on. We must carry on. We're almost there, look."

You opened your eyes. You and Henry were in front of a huge ink machine, with ink everywhere around. Henry jumped down into the ink and reached out his hand to you, but he saw that you were just standing there and looking at him.

,,I can't.." you whispered. ,,The more I touch the ink, the faster it will spread through my body."

,,No worries, we got this." Henry said, spreading his hands. ,,Jump."


,,I'm serious. I'll take you to the other side. Trust me."

You sighed and did as Henry said. You jumped and found yourself in his hands, which were already carrying you to the machine.

,,See, we did it." Henry smiled as he put you down on the another side. You smiled softly and gave him a tight hug.

,,Thank you," you whispered. ,,I wouldn't have done it without you."

,,Don't thank me." Henry smiled back. ,,Do you think the others are already there?"

,,I can't hear much, so I don't think they are."

,,Do you want to wait for them here?"

You nodded your head and sat down on the stairs with Henry, who gave you a little bit of water.

Silence was ruling between you. The flowing ink was all you could hear. You were drowning in your thoughts, you just wanted all of this to end.

,,When you found your sister," Henry broke the silence. ,,Why didn't you two leave?"

,,Allison couldn't leave the studio in this animated form as she is in now," you sighed. ,,And...there is one more thing."

,,Which one?"

You bit your lip and looked at the man sitting next to you. ,,My inky boyfriend."

Henry's eyes widened and he almost fell down the stairs. ,,Your what? You mean that thing what keeps chasing me and-"

,,Yeah," you smiled. ,,Bendy."

,,Y-you can't be serious!" Henry yelled, standing up and putting his hand on his forehead. ,,He has gotten out of control, he's dangerous and-"

,,Henry... you don't know him as I do." you interrupted him. ,,I was afraid at first too, I didn't believe him either. I just wanted to find my sister and get out of here, but then he showed me how he can be caring, kind, loving.."

You stood up and walked over to Henry, looking straight into his eyes.

,,I know it sounds crazy to you... but I know him and I trust him. Please Henry. Trust him, too."

Former animator sighed. He didn't know what to think of this. You told him about a caring and kind being... while in his eyes it was a demon with the sole aim of killing.

You could see in his eyes that he didn't believe you. Maybe he didn't want to. Or maybe it was hard to believe.

With a sigh, you sat down on the stairs again and looked at the ink beneath you when you realized something.


Suspicious silence was everywhere. Even the sound of the flowing ink stopped.

You turned and headed down the long corridor into the throne room.

,,(Y/N) what are you-"

,,Shh." you whispered and continued to walk with Henry right behind you. When you reached the huge metal door, only the lever separated you from what was inside.

,,Are you sure?" Henry whispered with a worried voice. ,,Shouldn't we wait for others?"

,,I have a bad feeling about this, Henry," you sighed. ,,Something's just not right. I hope we're not too late."

When you put your hand on the lever, you looked at the animator standing next to you, holding a pipe in his hands.

,,Oh and Henry... if anything happens to me, run, and find the others."

,,What? There's no chance I'm gonna leave you with her."

,,I know Alice. She wouldn't kill me. Not without my sister watching."

,,She's a total psycho." Henry murmured under his breath and nodded in agreement. You sighed too, and pushed the lever down. The door opened slowly and loudly, revealing the throne room inside.

You have uncertainly entered.

,,Wow.." Henry gasped as he looked around. ,,Has it always been so fancy?"

,,No.." you whispered. ,,The problem wasn't.."

You looked around the room. It was..decorated? On the walls were various ink paintings and wall lights, an old cabinet.. before the throne was a small round table with two chairs, candle, bottle and two glasses. You walked over to it and grabbed the bottle.

,,What is this all supposed to mean?" you whispered to yourself as you examined the bottle, but it nowhere had a label revealing the name of any liquid inside.

You unscrewed the aperture of bottle and took a breath. The strong smell hit your nose right away.


Suddenly the radio music started playing. The rhytm didn't remind you of anything, but when the singer started singing her lyrics, your hair on the hands stood up.

♪ I'm just a lonely angel
sitting here on the shelf ♪

,,Henry.." you whispered. ,,It's a trap! We have to get out of here!"

But before you could finish the sentence you heard a strong impact. You turned and stared in horror at Henry, who was laying on the ground motionless. Non other than angel herself was standing above him, with a smirk on her face and a pipe in her hands.

,,Well well.." she said in a sweet voice. ,,The divines made our paths crossed with each other again. Isn't that..amazing? Destiny?"

She calmly came closer to you, enjoying growing fear in your eyes.

,,We haven't seen each other for a long time, my little angel. You've changed. Let me guess. You're more...inky, I would say?" she asked with an irony. She was hinting that the ink had already reached your chin and could no longer stay hidden to other eyes.

Your breathing became faster from second to second when you looked at Henry again.

,,Oh. Errand boy is not dead," Alice responded to your glances. ,,Yet."

You were just standing there, frozen in the position, trying to understand what was going on.

,,What do you want?" you asked with a little courage in your voice, taking one step toward her.

,,I just want to talk a bit." she laughed affectionately, pointing to the table. ,,So please...take a seat. I have prepared it especially for the two of us, for this special occasion."

,,Fine... I will sit with you... but only if you leave others out of it. When they come here I will tell them to turn and leave, I promise."

Alice laughed. ,,Oh, sweetheart," she smiled as she approached the table and poured ink into the glass. ,,how do you know it's not too late?"

You were just staring at her, thinking about what she has just said.

,,Tell me, (Y/N).." Alice said as she took the glass to her mouth and drank from it. ,,Why don't you look up?"

At first you were just looking at her with a confused expression, but then you slowly lifted your head and screamed at the sight you got. On one of the upper planks was a person with cloth around mouth,  hands and legs tied and noose around her neck.

Your sister.

Ink Bendy x Reader - Till Ink Do Us PartWhere stories live. Discover now