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You turned to face a woman. A woman with raven hair on which she had a broken angelic headband. Two small horns were rising from behind it. But the strangest and scariest thing about her was... her face. She was a woman with two faces. One half was simply destroyed, rotten.

You gasped and backed up.

,,No need to back up, my little angel."

You recognized the voice. Allison..this was her voice.

Tears flooded your eyes. You hugged the woman tightly and started crying on her shoulder.

,,I-I can't believe it.. after such a long time.." you cried. You felt her hand stroked the top of your head.

,,Shh...don't cry. Everything is as it should be."

You were a little frightened by the tone of the last sentence she said, but you quickly shook it off.

,,But..I don't think so. I mean, look at you—"

,,What's wrong with my look?!"

You jumped a little. You didn't expect this reaction. Allison never had such sudden mood swings. Maximum in her teen years, but you only remember that from your mom's stories.

,,Sorry... I didn't want to touch your feelings. I just wanted to say that you look... different. Totally different. N-not that you're ugly, but... you know." you stammered. ,,Allison, I-"

,,Don't call me that!" she screamed again, but immediately put her hand in front of her mouth. ,,I'm sorry, it's just... being locked up here for so long has had an impact on me. But please don't call me... Allison."

When she said the name Allison, you saw that she flinched a little.

,,You can call me Alice. Alice Angel, if you want. That's who I am now."

,,Alright, but-"

The loud growl disturbed you when you were about to finish the question.

,,Oh, that demon again..the best thing for his fate would be to just melt into the puddle of ink..Everyone would feel better." she said with a disgust in her voice.

,,Why are you saying that?" you asked. You didn't know why Allison, sorry, Alice, was acting like that. But maybe she was right about what she said. She's been trapped here for so long..

,,You don't understand many things, my little angel. Many things."

Bendy growled again.

,,I think he's looking for me."

,,Oh, your 'friendship' with the Ink Demon, I totally forgot.."

You blushed. ,,Yeah.. he doesn't look that way but he really is very kind, caring..-"

,,That's enough talking about him," Alice shut you, and started to walk from the corner to another.
,,Hmm... give me that book."

You obeyed and handed her the book without a word. Alice started to flip through it.

,,Incredible..." she whispered. You wanted to ask how the book worked, but you rather stayed quiet. All you wanted to do now was spending time with your sister.

,,Alice, I have so many questions for you.."

,,And they will all be answered," she replied, closing the book. ,,But not now. The Ink Demon is looking for you, and for your own good, don't make him angry. You may not end well."

,,Wait, so you're telling me to leave? God, I'm seeing you for the first time in so many years, and-"

,,You will see me many times, little angel, but it must remain secret. Now, go back to the Ink Demon and continue your little game."

With a sigh, you nodded and hugged her. You really didn't want to leave her, but she was right. You slowly left Alice's lair, and when you made sure no one was around, you quickly stepped into the lift and went to the floor when Bendy seemed to be in.

You didn't know that the angel full of lies watched your every step. A smirk appeared on her lips.

,,Play while you can, (Y/N). You don't have much time left."

A/N: I've got one question for you. Where do you live (country)? Because I want to know in what time should I be uploading the chapters, so please, write your country in the comments (I'm from Britain, by the way.) 😄 If you don't want to write your country to the comment section, feel free to dm me.
Also, Alice completely joined the story, what do you think about her? Or about the book? Do you have any ideas what does the book do?

Ink Bendy x Reader - Till Ink Do Us PartWhere stories live. Discover now