If I die, don't cry

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The last chapter of the year 2019, so I hope you're gonna enjoy it. I want to thank you for an amazing year and I hope 2020 will be even better, for all of us. But enough of my talking..
Enjoy the chapter and feel free to write down your thoughts..I'm curios what you'll say.

,,She...what?" you gasped.

,,Yes..." Tom replied. ,,Pregnant. (Y/N) you have to promise me that—"

But his sentence was cut off when the wolf's eyes looked behind you. You turned and met the disappointed look of Allison standing in the doorway.

Your sister looked at Tom and shook her head, then ran off.

,,No, Allison, wait!" Tom shouted as he ran after her. So, you stayed alone in the safehouse, gradually absorbing what you've just found out.

,,Why is this happening to me and my family.." you sighed as you sat down on the bed and took Alice's book in your hands.

,,How does Tom even remember the past?" you whispered as you flipped through the book when you heard footsteps from outside the safehouse, but you didn't mind. Tom probably came back.

After a while the footsteps entered the room when you found a page in the book called Demon as the Angel's Slave. There was a description of how Alice disappeared with Bendy right in front of your eyes, and the other sentences were still forming by letters that were slowly appearing on the pages.

,,Oh my god..." you whispered when you saw how Alice was torturing Bendy. And that's when a shadow appeared over the book.

,,Tom you have to see this." you said, but when you turned, you didn't see the person you expected.

,,I'm so glad we are meeting again, my little sheep~"

You gasped.

,,Sammy?! Wha..what are you-"

,,Shh, no need to worry." he said in a husky voice and approached you, placing his hands on your shoulders.

,,Get away from me!" you screamed and got out of the bed, trying to avoid his touch.

But it didn't work. He grabbed you hard by the hand and looked at you with a smirk he had on his lips behind his mask.

,,Don't try to fight, (Y/N). Don't try to run away from what needs to be done." he said. ,,Let me help you set you free."

,,What the hell are you talking about?" you asked, still trying to get out of his grip.

,,Everyone will be set free!" he exclaimed in ecstasy. ,,She promised."

,,What?" you didn't understand. ,,Who?"

,,The Angel.." he said, pulling you out of the room.
,,But for that she needs you, little lamb."

,,But she has Bendy!" you screamed. ,,Your savior! We must help him!"

,,The demon is under angel's wings," he whispered. ,,She's the leader now."

,,She will never be!" you screamed and yanked from the man's grip and ran forward, but stopped with stress as you came to the edge of the ink river.

Sammy soon ran to you and with one hand covered your mouth and with the other caught both of your hands.

,,Be a good girl and stay." he hissed into your ear, sending chills down your spine. He dragged you into the boat and turned on the engine. He didn't pay much attention to you in the boat, since he didn't expect you to jump into the deadly river.

But you did.

When he wasn't looking, you took the moment to jump away from the boat as far as you could. As soon as your skin touched the ink, it started burning right where you had the bandage. You screamed, but you continued to swim, for as soon as Sammy heard the splash he jumped after you and started approaching you. You tried to swim as quickly as possible, but the ink density didn't allow you to do so, but you still didn't lose hope of escaping until Sammy pulled your hair and pulled you back to his chest.

,,Rebellious one, huh?" he smirked as his firm grip took hold of you again and then pulled you back to the boat, where he was watching you during your whole cruise.

,,Hope you're feeling comfortable." Alice smiled at Bendy, who was lying under his own throne, tied up in electric cables. He glared back at the angel and kept trying to get out.

,,Careful," she spoke in a soft voice. ,,You know how electricity reacts with liquids, don't you? I hope
(Y/N) knows it so she will fully enjoy the show."

,,Don't drag her into this!" he screamed in an aggressive tone. ,,It's not her fault that you've gone crazy. Leave her alone!"

,,Leave her?" Alice laughed. ,,Oh, come on. She's the main star of this show. And do you know what happens to such a character at the end?"

Bendy remained silent.

,,Oh, right.." she replied. ,,She dies."

,,You're nothing but tainted ink," Bendy said with hate in his voice. Alice only laughed.

,,My little angel is on her way. What if we prepared a warm welcome to her, shall we?"


,,Move, darling," Sammy commanded as you stepped out of the boat in front of a huge ink machine. ,,It will end soon."

Adrenaline was running through your veins. No, you couldn't let her get what she wants. She can't just get away with things she has done.

You looked at Sammy, who was just getting out of the boat, and did the first thing you thought of. You ran to him and pushed him back into the river. You didn't hesitate and immediately ran forward through the long corridor.

Completely out of breath, you ran to the end of the hall where you pulled the lever and opened a large metal door that led into a round room.

When you ran inside, you got a look on a throne built from different wheels, ink, and Bendy just standing under it.

,,Bendy!" you cried out in joy and ran to him. But he just slowly raised his head and looked at you.

And suddenly the arrow flew right into his chest from behind.

The blood in your veins froze. Your breathing has accelerated rapidly.

,,No!" you screamed from top of your lungs as the Ink demon fell to the floor.

You ran up to him and knelt down, putting your shaking hand on his wound.

,,No no no no no.." you whispered with tears streaming down your face.

,,I-I am sorry Toots.." Bendy whispered in a raspy voice.

,,No don't be sorry..." you cried. ,,Everything will be alright, you just have to endure."

,,No... you have to endure..You have to go on..get your sister and get out of this hell."

,,No.." you whispered with a shaky voice. ,,I...I won't leave you here. There must be a solution! There must-"

Bendy reached out for you and wiped away your tear, then put his hand gently on your cheek.

,,(Y/N)... look at me.."

You couldn't stop crying, but you still looked at him with your teary eyes.

A little smile appeared on his face as your glances met.

,,Thank you." he whispered. And then his hand fell from your face. His chest stopped moving.

The Ink Demon was dead.

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