Ink Machine

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Henry pulled the lever down and looked at the machine in front of him. It showed 'running'. The animator sighed and went to the main Ink machine. He wondered what Joey wanted to show him. But when he was ready to enter a huge room, he stopped. The doors were blocked by wooden planks that weren't there before.

The man cocked his eyebrows and slowly walked closer, trying to look through. But as soon as he was close enough, on the other side, a hand that belonged to a being of Ink, with horns and a wide smile, reached out for him quickly. Henry screamed and immediately started running away from the shaking studio, but it was even harder when ink started flooding the floor.

When he saw the exit door, his eyes shone with hope. He ran as fast as he could, but before he could put his hand on the handle, the floor underneath him loosened and Henry fell into the deep depths of the studio.


You ran through the corridors of the workshop, didn't dare to look back. As soon as you got to floor 9 in front of Alice's door, you started to panic even more, what if he found you there in this phase? But you kept running. You still had Bendy and Sammy in your head.

When you arrived in the room where you met Alice last time, you saw her sitting at the desk behind the book. She looked pretty upset. But as soon as she saw you, she closed the book, and you only now noticed that it was exactly the book what you found and what led you to her.

You threw on her shoulder and started crying a little.

,,Alice, what am I supposed to do now?"


,,What?" you asked in surprise and pulled back from her. ,,What do you mean nothing?"

,,That this is not the first time it has happened. Henry and you are not the only people who have ever come here. Just like him, the others turned on the machine, and Ink Demon and Sammy went insane. Till they figured what they were supposed to do, they died. It cost them their life."

You read from Alice's eyes what she was talking about.

,,Do I have to just...turn off the machine?"


,, knew about it?"

,,Of course." she said.

,,Why didn't you tell them anything?"

,,It was fun playing with them and then seeing their death," she said coldly. ,,Well, they should have tried more."

You stayed silent. You didn't believe your sister was willing to enjoy someone else's death. Or you were just..trying to not believe. But you shook it off. Your main priority now was Bendy.

,,Will you come with me?" you asked after a while.


,,To turn off the machine." you said firmly.

,,No way," Alice laughed. ,,I will not risk that the demon will touch me again. I'll never make mistakes like I did, never."

You no longer felt anger in her voice, it was rather sadness, but Alice didn't want to admit it. You sighed and gently grabbed her hand.

,,It'll be all right, sissy." you smiled. You were expecting her to answer your sister nickname Hissy sissy as always, but she just looked at you instead.

,,Time to go," she said after a moment. ,,Be careful. We don't want anything to happen to our little angel, do we?"

You shook your head and went back to the lift that took you to the 2nd floor, because there was no lift on the first floor. You climbed the stairs and opened the door. You were back in the opening hall with the big sign Joey Drew Studios. But it looked... different. There were signs of a fight, the ink was drying on the ground and the fallen wood was covering floor.

When you saw that there was a hole in the floor in front of the exit door, you gasped.

,,Oh god.." you whispered in a trembling voice and walked to the hole. You looked down carefully. ,,If Henry fell there..."

You saw absolutely nothing down, just darkness. The darkness that almost hypnotized you. But when all of the thoughts around Bendy and Sammy ran through your head, you brushed it off and stepped away from the hole. You headed to the machine faster and tougher than before. When you came there, you looked around the room. All items such as a music board or a plushie were placed in their posts on the columns. But then your eyes fell on the running sign that was on the machine.

,,Not for long." you whispered under your breath and headed to the machine. You were ready to end it all. But when you were a few meters from the lever, the room began to shake slightly. In fear that Bendy was here, you turned. Well, no one was in the room, but you knew something was not like it was supposed to be.

When you were ready to do it, you heard a sound. A sound like... ink splashes. When you turned around again, you saw an ink spot on the wall in front of you.

Your expression changed to a suspicious one. You stretched out your hand. When your skin almost touched the black liquid, there was a thump in the room, and you were thrown hard from the wall. You felt the sharp pain passed through your hand. It was covered in blood. Bruises formed on your leg.

You gasped when you looked up. There was no more a spot on the wall, instead they were words were scratched with a rough font.

'Not so fast, dear.'

With fear in your eyes you turned your head, only to see Ink Demon grinning at you and approaching you as a hunter ready to take away a life of his prey.

1 thousand reads.
The first chapter was published on 19 August 2019 and I reached 1 thousand on Sunday, 22 September. It may be a small number for you, but for me it means universe. I didn't think when I started this book that it would have such a success, and that people would actually like it, so I want to thank you so much for everything, for every vote, comment and read, but especially for the support you are giving me every day. I love you all.

Ink Bendy x Reader - Till Ink Do Us PartTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang