Chapter 9 - Sisterly Love

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Aria's POV

It's been two days since the night I figured out who Dominic truly is. Two days that I have been locked in this room. Two days that I haven't eaten. I tried, after about a day I tried but my anxiety was playing havoc with me and the little bit I did manage to swallow would come right back up in under half an hour. 

Dominic would come in ever so often to scream at me for not eating, thinking I was being stubborn. Don't get me wrong, I can be stubborn when I want to. I can be really stubborn but this wasn't one of those times. There was no point in trying to explain to him, he never gave me a chance to speak and over these two days, I became fearful of him. He looked like a raging monster every time he came in here. I was afraid to be near him, to look at him and his barks would make me jump in my spot. 

Once I even locked myself in the bathroom when I heard him talking to Marcel knowing he was coming. I don't know who that man is but that isn't the Dominic De Luca I once knew. Other times it would be either Ruby or Marcel checking on me. Marcel was quiet and barely spoke to me. Ruby wouldn't stop speaking. She was all over the place and couldn't keep still or keep quiet. I never really spoke back to her but I would be lying if I said she didn't make me giggle internally at some of the things she had to say.

It was morning and I knew someone would be in with breakfast soon. I wondered how much longer this would go on. I showered and put on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie I had brought with me.  As I was brushing my hair I heard screaming. There was a female voice I didn't recognize along with Dominic's voice. They were really going at it. Then I heard the noise of shattering glass. What on earth is going on out there? I placed a hairpin in my mouth as I tied my hair up in a messy bun. As I was about to place the pin, the door swung open with such a force it hit the wall and bounced off it. I am pretty sure that just indented the wall. I couldn't believe my eyes. 

"Oh my god, it's true! They weren't lying!" She exclaimed with such shock as she held her hands over her mouth.  Straight after that, I saw Dominic reach her at the door. He had been running to get here. 

"Fuck." He grumbled. 

"Oh, fuck is right, Dominic! I am going to beat your ass!" She shouted at him. Then she turned back to me. "It is you. It's really you." She then squealed and ran to me and wrapped her arms around me tightly while my arms hung on my sides. I couldn't really move. I let out a small laugh.

"Hey, Dani," I said. She pulled back and looked at me. She touched my face then my hair. 

"You look like shit." She stated. 

"Gee thanks," I replied with a hint of sarcasm. 

"No, I am serious. What the fuck did you do to her, Dominic!?" She looked at him. I could see the vein popping in her forehead. "Mama would be so disappointed in you." 

"Me? I didn't fucking do anything! She is the one that refuses to eat! I have tried it! We all have tried to get her to eat multiple times a day! She is the stubborn mule here!" He yelled back at her. 

She turned back to me. "Ari, darling, why aren't you eating? I know you are stubborn but there are other ways to prove a point and dying of starvation is not one of them, you know?" 

"I haven't been -"

"Excuse me!?" Dominic cut me off. He was now walking into the bedroom towards me and his sister. Dani stepped in front of me shielding me from him. He shouted at me over her shoulder. "Don't you dare lie to her saying you haven't been starving yourself on purpose. Don't fucking spew your bullshit now that my sister is here!" 

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