Chapter 15 - I Need a Favor

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Dani was waiting in her room for the two people she had summoned earlier on. She heard a knock to find Marcel there. She popped her head out the door and looked up and down the corridor then proceeded to pull him into her room and close the door. 

"Um... Dani?" 

"Hush Marcel. I'm waiting for someone else." 

Marcel looked at her quizzically yet amused. Then another knock came. Dani opened the door ever so slightly to see if it's who she expected. Next thing, Ruby was being pulled in towards Marcel. 

Ruby gained her composure then saw Marcel sitting on Dani's bed. She turned to look at Dani who was sporting this cheesy grin. 

"Um... look I'm flattered and you are a hot piece of ass but I don't think your brother would be very happy with me if had a threesome with his sister," Ruby said awkwardly. 

"What!?" Dani exclaimed. Then she clicked. "Don't be ridiculous Ruby. My word is that all you think about? You're as bad as a guy. No, you guys are here to help me execute my plan." 

"What plan?" Ruby asked narrowing her eyes at Dani. Dani then proceeded to grin again. 

"Oh boy... This is never good." Marcel retorted. 

Dani told them her plan and exactly what she was expecting from each of them. 

"This is a bad idea." 

"No, it's not. It's a brilliant one." 

Ruby looked over to Marcel who was silent. They were standing side by side staring at a grinning Dani. 

"Dani, don't you think you should stay out of it?" Marcel asked hesitantly. 

"Nope. They just need a little push." Dani replied nonchalantly. 

"What if there is a good reason for their avoidance?" Ruby asked cautiously. 

Dani glared at her. 

"Yeah, maybe." 

Ruby smiled to have Dani in agreement.

"Maybe from their idiot syndrome." She stated flatly watching as Ruby's smile faded like it was never there. She then huffed. 

Dani clapped her hands and turned to them. 

"Ok, so you both know the plan. You just need to make sure the other is busy and far away as I speak to each one individually. Got it?" They nodded at her. 

"Great! First my brother." She said excitedly walking out her room. 

"Marcel on a scale from 1 to 10, how dead are we when Dom figures this out?" Ruby asked him. 

"Um... I would rather not think about that. But how about we just feign shock when it comes up? Yeah?" 

"Yup. Good idea." Ruby replied as they both stared straight ahead and fist pumped each other. 


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