Chapter 29 - Jealousy

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Aria's POV

I knew this was a dangerous game I was playing. I knew this was a huge risk to take being with Dom anyway I can and anyway he will have me, but I couldn't help it. He made me feel things again and stronger this time. He made me feel beautiful, wanted, needed, and desired. I haven't felt like that in such a long time and that bastard of an ex destroyed any bit of life within me. I meant what I said to Dom, if someone makes you feel alive again then isn't it worth the risk to be with them? That's how I felt. He ignited a flame in me that I thought had long died out.

As I descended the stairs, the front door opened and Andrea walked in leaving it open. I hadn't seen him since that night I found out the truth. I didn't like him though. He noticed me there and began sporting a menacing, smug smirk. 

"Why, isn't it the prodigal lover," He said. 

"Excuse me?" I looked at him incredulously. 

"I see right through you, whore. Coming around here, strutting your past, making boss lose all his senses. But don't worry, it's actually a small blessing in disguise you know? This happy bubble you're in won't last very long." 

By this time, he had walked over and was now standing in front of me, way too close for my liking. 

"Are you threatening me? Because Andrea, let me make something very clear to you. I am not one to be fucked with. I am sick and tired of being fucked over by an egotistical, arrogant, piece of shit man trying to compensate for other things." I told him to his face, gesturing with my finger and thumb as I glanced down to his pants. 

I stood my ground and watched as he gritted his teeth and balled his hands into a fist. 

"I'm done with this bullshit. Come near me again and I will break more than just your nose, asshole." 

I began walking away but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me viciously towards him. Once I was face to face with him again, he tightened his grip around my wrist and began twisting it. I couldn't help the whimper coming from me as he hurt me, all the while grinning. 

"Maybe one day I will have my fun with you yet. Teach you a good lesson when I expose you to Boss and the rest of them worshipping the ground you walk on." He spat in my face. 

What is he on about? Expose me for what? He tightened his grip even more but I tried putting the pain to the back of my mind as I looked him right in the eyes. 

"Fuck... You!" I spat back. 

His hand lifted and was about to swing across my face when a loud and deep voice bellowed through the foyer. 

"What the fuck do you think you are doing, Andrea?" I turned to see Marcel walk into the foyer from the kitchen. 

Andrea let go of my wrist and took a step back. 

"She was threatening us, Marcel. I was trying to explain to her that those things don't go unpunished. She threatened Boss, rambling about some 'revenge is sweeter than forgiveness' bullshit. " He said coyly with his hands in his pockets. 

My eyes widened hearing the words leave his mouth. I looked at Marcel who didn't take his eyes off Andrea, nor could I read his expression. It was all a lie. What if they believe this asshole? Where does that leave me? 

"Punishment is not for you to take upon yourself and dish out as you see fit. Remember your place, Andrea!" Marcel warned him. "Now what the fuck are you doing here anyway?" 

"I brought my sister. She wants to see Dom about a work proposition." He glanced at me for a split second and smirked as he said that. 

"Did you prearrange this with Boss? You know he hates unwanted or unexpected guests." Marcel had a cold tone to his voice. He didn't like Andrea at this moment, that much was evident. This was also a much more serious version of Marcel and he looked pretty scary. 

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