Chapter 31 - Birthday Celebrations

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Aria's POV

It's been just over a week since my conversation with Dom by the pool. I haven't seen much of him since then. Dani said he has been extremely busy with work-related issues and when he is home we are never alone, so it was pretty casual between us. A part of me ached for him but then I remembered I wanted this. I wanted him to prove it to me, and maybe he realized it just wasn't worth it. 

I stirred in my bed as I felt the sun hitting me through the curtains. As I moved in the bed, my foot hit something that made a crinkle sound. I opened my eyes and propped myself up to see a bouquet of red roses. Next to it was a cream white box with a dark blue ribbon around it. I sat up and looked around an empty room. I first grabbed the roses and smelt them. I love the smell of flowers, no matter what flower. I placed them on the bedside table and reached for the cream box. Untying the ribbon I opened it to reveal the most exquisite Pandora bracelet inside. 

It was a sterling silver bracelet with a mixture of silver and dark blue charms. It was adorned with different flower charms, a heart charm, a snowflake, a sapphire stone charm, and the moon and the stars on another charm. It held a lot of my favorite things in one bracelet. I loved flowers. I loved sapphires. It was my favorite precious stone. I was never a diamond girl. One of my favorite times of the year was when it snowed. Something about the falling of the snow was just magical in all its pure form. Then there was the moon and the stars. My favorite time of the day was night time where I could sit for hours watching the stars. There was only one person who knew all this. Dominic. I couldn't help the smile that formed on my lips. 

As I admired the bracelet, Dom admired me while leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed. 

"Do you like it?" He broke the silence, signaling me of his presence. 

"It's absolutely stunning." I gave him a soft smile. "You remembered all this."

He pushed himself off the doorframe and walked over to the bed. He stood next to the edge of the bed with his hands now in his pockets. 

"I could never forget." He said simply. 

He leaned over and took the bracelet out of the box. He unhooked the clasp and held it open, waiting for me. I held out my right hand and he gently placed the bracelet around my wrist. He gripped my hand and pulled it to his lips as he gave me a tender kiss on top of it. 

"Happy birthday, Rhi." He spoke fondly. 

"Thank you, but you didn't have to do this." 

"Yes, I did. You deserve this and more." He countered. "Now it's time to get your sexy ass out of bed and get ready for a funfilled day. You better hurry up, in about 20 minutes you have a visitor arriving." He stated as he looked at his watch. 

"Who?" I asked him curiously. 

"Well, if you want to find out then I suggest you get a move on." He gave me a grin as he leaned down towards me and kissed me on my cheek. He proceeded to leave the room, closing the door behind him. 

I quickly jumped up and hopped into the shower. Once I was done I put on a dark blue summer dress that fell just above my knees, and a pair of sandals with different color blue jewels on them. I applied some concealer, mascara and nude color lipstick and decided to let my hair hang loose today. 

I came down the stairs with a few minutes to spare, being met by a very rambunctious Odette.

"Happy birthday, Ari!!" She screamed as she jumped into my arms nearly knocking us both over. I managed to crouch down to her level just in time. 

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