Chapter 35 - The Plan of Betrayal

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Aria's POV

"I should have fucking known it was you, you bastard!!" I yelled at him. 

Andrea didn't flinch and continued with that smug look as he put his phone into his pocket. He then cracked his knuckles while walking towards me. I didn't think twice, I turned and lunged to sprint back to the patio. I needed to tell Dom. That was all I was thinking about. 

Andrea took wide, quick steps towards me and grabbed a hold of my hair, yanking me back until I hit his chest. He then covered my mouth with one hand and bent his arm around my neck, almost finishing the chokehold he was threatening. I tried to squirm my way out and began screaming into his hand, a muffled sound escaping.

"You better stop with these theatrics, or else people are going to get hurt." He taunted with a whisper in my ear. 

I began to simmer down, thinking about his words. Were there more traitors? Was everyone safe on the patio? He let go of my neck but continued covering my mouth. I felt him fiddling behind me and within seconds I felt the cold metal of the gun barrel against my temple. 

"Now, I am going to uncover your mouth. We will be going into your room to have a little chat and you will behave." He ordered me. "Otherwise, someone is going to die and I would hate for that to happen. Got it?" 

I nodded slowly at him. His hand around my mouth retreated. He maneuvered the gun to the middle of my back. He grew increasingly irritated with my lack of movement causing him to grab my arm and chuck me forward towards the stairs. I turned and glared at him, receiving a reply of his gun being gestured to head upstairs. I took a deep breath before making my way up the stairs, internally praying someone would walk in on this situation. However, my prayers went on unheard. 

I walked to the middle of my room, closing my eyes and trying to control my breathing, before turning around to face him, trying my best to hold a composure to show I wasn't afraid of him. I watched as he closed and locked the door then placed the gun in the back of his pants. He walked over to me, stopping right in front of me. His hand reached up and played with a strand of hair before placing it behind my ear. He traveled from my ear, down my neck before reaching to the v-neck cut of my dress with his finger. 

"Tony was lucky to have sampled you. And if I'm not mistaken, so is De Luca." He said with a smirk. "Quite the whore, aren't you?" 

I felt the vomit threatening to come up my throat with the feel of his fingers on my skin, so close to delicate sections. I covered my disgust, and uneasy feeling by spitting in his face. At first, he was shocked but that disappeared very quickly as he turned his back to me, wiping his face. Within seconds of doing so, he swung around and I felt the back of his hand connect with my cheek. My hands instinctively raised to cover it, as it had a mixture of a stinging and burning feel to it. 

"Now, what did I say about behaving? Or do you need a reminder?" He said as he slowly walked towards the window. "I think I could make this shot, maybe not kill but definitely wound someone." 

I rushed over to the window to see him looking into the garden at a happily kissing Marcel and Dani. I clenched my jaw as I closed my eyes. 

"That's what I thought." I heard him say before hearing him walk away. "You know you just made my job so much easier for me." 

I had now turned to look at him as he casually walked around the room looking at everything.

"You will do exactly as I say. There is something I need from De Luca's safe and you will be the one getting it for me."

"Like hell, I will." He now turned to face me with a raised brow. 

"Come here." He motioned to me with his finger as his other hand took his phone out of his pocket. He began sliding his finger across the screen before settling on what he was in search of. He looked back at me to see I hadn't moved. 

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