Chapter 39 - Survivor

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Disclaimer: There are violent references below. Reader discretion is advised.

Aria's POV

I'm unsure how long we drove for. I eventually fell asleep with my head against the window. I was awoken by the slamming of the driver's side door. Looking up, half asleep, I noticed Tony's figure making his way to my side. He yanked the door open and roughly pulled me out of the car. His grip on my upper arm tightened as he tugged me towards his face causing me to wince at the sharp pains where his fingers dug into my skin. 

"I have some business to take care of, but afterward I have a lot of lost time to make up for." He breathed his raspy alcohol-fueled breath on me, then licked up my neck. 

Some shivers ran up my spine and not the good kind. I felt sick thinking about his touch on places that Dom has been. I couldn't control what happened next as I barfed all over his shoes. Dom cleansed me of this man, I cannot... I will not allow him to taint me all over again. 

His reaction to his dirtied shoes was priceless and I will have a good chuckle later, however, I couldn't help the grin on my face. He wrapped his hands around my neck and squeezed hard. 

"You find this funny? I think I should teach you a lesson right now!" 

He began forcing his hand under my hoodie. Oh, hell no. Before he reached my breasts, I used the little bit of strength left to knee him in the balls. He fell to the ground, holding onto them and grunting. I immediately started running, not in any particular direction. I was running on pure adrenalin right now until I hit something hard. I looked up to see an older man with a scowl upon his face. 

"Boy, can't you control your woman?" He spoke to Tony with a heavy Russian accent. 

"Give her here, I'll show you exactly how I control her," Tony muttered while getting back to his feet. 

"No. We do not have time for your sex games. We need to look over the file and make necessary arrangments to bring down De Luca. He will be on a hunting spree in search of this file. We need to act quickly." The older man said sternly as he grabbed me and chucked me to one of the guards behind him. 

"Zaperet' yeye v temnitse. (Lock her up in the dungeon)." He instructed the guard that now had my arms behind my back in his grasp. 

He nodded and pushed me towards the dilapidated building. The inside was filthy and dark. There were portable cages placed in a row at the end of the building. I noticed dry blood on the ground below chains hanging from the ceiling. I felt my stomach churn again at the sight and smell of death. The guard shoved me inside one of the cages, locking the gate behind me then left. 

I tried looking around for anything that could help me in some way, but there was only a steel pipe that was too far for my reach. I started wondering about Dom, Ruby, and what they were doing right now. Did he know the truth? Did he believe it? Was he coming for me? Did he get Odette to safety?

Just as I sat in the corner, furthest from the gate, Tony and the older man walked into the building. They were conversing in Russian as they made their way towards me. They stopped in front of the cage, both wearing smug looks on their faces. 

"Looks like your loverboy has long forgotten about you. He was very quick to jump into Alexa's bed the instant you walked out of that house." Tony said amusingly. Wait, what?

"You're lying!" I spat at him. 

I know I betrayed Dom. I know I jeopardized his business and his life with this file. But he wouldn't go crawling back to that horrid woman. Not after what she did to Odette. I refused to believe it. 

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