Chapter 22 - Gala Night (Part 2)

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Aria's POV

Dom guided me into the venue with his hand intertwined with mine. It took me by surprise when he grabbed it and locked our fingers together. But it also reminded me how it used to feel. I couldn't fight back the smile that formed on my lips. 

We made our way to our table for dinner. We were seated with the others. As we ate dinner, a few different men came up to talk to Dom. He would stand each time, but never once left my side. It was an oxymoron of people. Other mafia leaders that came up to him to talk business then there would be police commissioners talking the same business. It fascinated me but I tried making it a point to not listen to their conversations. 

After a while, the music began playing. I sat there and sipped on my passion fruit and lemonade drink. Yup, no alcohol for me tonight. Marcel had taken Dani to dance and Ruby was scanning the venue to make sure there was no trouble brewing. As she pointed out when you put all the leaders in an enclosed space, some tend to get too arrogant and start trouble asserting their dominance. She said they acted like a pack of wolves. 

Dom was standing at the side chatting with another police commissioner but I noticed he kept looking over to me throughout the conversation. I sat back in my chair and took a look around. The place was filled with well-dressed men exuding power and on their arms a whole lot of different charlatan women all begging for their affection. 

I sighed and looked over to Dom only to see nobody there. I began to panic a little as I remember him telling me not to leave his side due to all the criminals in this room. It amazed me how calm I was when he said this, but I yet I never felt as safe as I did with him around. 

"May I have this dance?" I heard a husky voice whisper in my ear. 

I turned to see Dom standing with his one hand behind his back and the other extended out towards me. I gave him a soft smile and took his hand. I followed him onto the dance floor as he pulled me around him until I was in front of him. He brought me close to him and placed his hand on my lower back. 

I placed my other hand on his shoulder. The feel of his rough hands on my delicate skin gave me shivers and my heart began racing. He slowly began dancing and I followed his lead. Our heads were next to each other and he leaned his against mine. I could feel his breath against my cheek. Then he whispered something that I never expected him to ever say.

"I was a fool to ever let you go." 

What? Why would he say that? No, he can't say these things now. 

My silence made him shift. He pulled his head back to look into my eyes. That's when I saw it. The regret, the lust, the admiration... with a hint of love? No, I must be imagining this all. It's a dream surely. He could have any woman he wants, all begging at his feet, with a snap of his fingers. Why would he want me? 

He placed his forehead against mine as he looked at my lips. I watched him lick his and begin leaning in. My nerves got the best of me and I pulled away and tried walking away. However, he never let go of my hand. Instead, he pulled me back into him. I twirled back into his arms and he quickly wrapped one around my waist and began dancing again while staring into my eyes with such intensity. I wasn't getting out of this dance anytime soon. 

I took a deep breath and once again followed his lead. After the initial nervousness faded I began enjoying myself with him. He would twirl me around a few times and I couldn't help the smile curving upon my lips. He returned the smile and I felt like the world around us vanished. 

Dani noticed us and stopped dancing with Marcel confusing him. 

"My brother's in trouble." She stated with a smile.

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