Chapter 3

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I walk up to the door of the house picking up the mail flipping through the flyers, bills, coupons, and other things that are useless, but they keep getting dropped off. I always wondered if there was a way you could call and ask that you not receive them.

I jiggle the key out from the doorknob walking into the house. I place my bag on the hook slipping my shoes off just wanting to relax making my way over to the living room seeing Jonah passed out on the couch with a beer bottle in his hand.

"Great" I sigh walking over grabbing the bottle taking off his shoes pulling the blanket over him carefully not to wake him up.

He starts to move mumbling rolling onto his side facing towards the TV. I let out a sigh of relief laying back against the couch pulling his feet up onto my lap as I grab the remote. After ten minutes of scrolling through Netflix, I look over seeing Jonah looking at me with his shiny brown eyes.

"Hello sleepy head" I say letting out a little chuckle rubbing his ankle with my thumb in circles looking back at the TV putting on Grown Ups 2.

He pulls himself up so he's sitting and looks around confused a little. "This is not our bed" he mumbles under his breath pulling his feet off my lap replacing it with his head.

I start playing with his hair softly looking down at him. "No, it certainly is not" I sigh thinking if I should tell him that I am pregnant or not. He turns onto his back adjusting his neck so he can be comfortable on my thigh.

"What's up?" he asks studying my face as his eyes scan over it.

"Just a rough day at work and worrying about Quinn as always" I mumble softly playing with his hair more thinking.

"There's more" he frowns reaching up taking my hand placing a kiss against my knuckles softly then plants a kiss below my knuckles playing with the gold band on my ring finger.

"Yeah" I sigh. "Well, I don't know how else to tell you, but Im um" I let out another sigh grabbing his hand tightly becoming nervous as different reactions he could have making me not want to tell him, but I know I have to tell him sooner or later. Or he would find out when I started showing or when I give birth. "Im pregnant" I blurt out like my mouth was moving forcing me to finally say it.

He looks up at me with a confused face then it starts to harden then softens. I gulp down the lump that was forming in my throat looking at him scared a little he will be mad about it until I see that smile, he had when I told him I was pregnant with Quinn.

I let out a sigh of relief closing my eyes as he pulls himself back up turning himself around pulling me into his lap wrapping his arms around my torso.

"I get to be a dad a third time?" he asks looking at me with a bright smile placing his forehead against mine.

"Yes, you do" I whisper softly wrapping my arms around him carefully thinking. "But Jonah" I say pulling away looking at him seriously. "You go out all the time, and spend a lot of our money on beer and what ever you also do when you go out" I say looking down. "I have to pick up extra shifts, just so we can have decent food, and Quinn as also chipped in some of her babysitting money, which she shouldn't have to do" my eyes find his again, seeing sadness and guilt take over them. "Im scared...that sometimes you wont come home Jonah" I say, as a hot tear rolls down my cheek, wiping it quickly with the back of my hand, looking away quickly, hoping he didn't see it.

"Im sorry" he says cupping my cheeks with his hands, turning my head softly to look at him.

As my eyes meet his I see tears and s frown that replaced his smile. The smile that grown to love. The smile I started to miss over the years ever since things have gotten had.

"I'll try my best to not go out as much" he says "And starting next week I will be at the studio more often since we are starting to write music again after our break" he says still cupping my cheeks leaning up a bit brushing his lips against mine before pushing them in kissing me.

I kiss back, moving my arms up around his neck softly. He holds my waist pulling my body close to his a little until my stomach presses against his. He pulls his lips away moving his eyes down to my stomach placing his hand against it softly. I couldnt help but smile putting my hand on top of his.



I smile as I look down at our hands thinking as I pull me eyes away tilting my head back up looking into her eyes. The same icy blue eyes she had when we first met. I let out a soft yawn as I get up holding her thighs softly letting her wrap her legs around my torso making my way up the stairs heading to our shared room. I make my way over to the bed, before Beth stops me, getting down making her way over to the walk-in closet, pulling out a pair of sweats, and one of my shirts- tie dye with the Why Don't We logo on it -changing into them.

I smile walking in behind her reaching up for a pair of sweats as she walks out crawling into the bed. I change into the sweats pulling my shirt off over my head tossing it into the dirty laundry basket shutting the light off walking out heading over to the bed. My body plops down next to her as I hold my arms open so we can cuddle. I now realized how long it has been since we have had alone without me drunk or us fighting.

She scoots over wrapping her arm around my back placing her head under my chin as I rest my chin on top of it.

"I missed this a lot" she mumbles softly snuggling into my chest.

I rub her back softly kissing her forehead a couple times. "I missed this a lot too" I reply pulling the blanket over the both of us and grab the remote putting on Greys Anatomy.

"Quinn should be home soon" she says softly as she moves her head to my shoulder having her eyes closed.

"Okay" I reply becoming sleepy. "Maybe we can all go out to dinner or something when she gets home" I say closing my eyes laying my head back against the pillow.

"Sure" she says half asleep.

I start falling asleep as I hear her snore smiling in my sleep holding her close to me.


Word count:1190

Growing up II Sequel II Re-writtenWhere stories live. Discover now