Chapter 5

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I walk behind Quinn as we walk into the restaurant holding her hand in a friendly way. She walks behind her older brother Nico, who has his arm wrapped around his Finance – Monica's – lower back guiding her to a table in the center of the place with a big chandelier hanging in the center.

I sit down in a chair next to Quinn on the end of the table seeing Evan sit at the head beside me. Quinn turns her head to look at me with her bright smile and shiny blue crystal eyes.

"You guys can get whatever you want" Jonah says as he peers his eyes over the menu, he was looking at with a small smile looking back down scanning over the options.

I nod my head softly picking up the menu that was sitting in front of me and look over the salads and wrap options.

"Still into salads" I see Quinn says with a grin as she leans her head onto my arm softly looking at the sheet where my eyes gazed upon.

"Yep, still my favorites" I chuckle softly wrapping an arm around her shoulder squeezing her against my side softly.

She giggles a little as her cheeks turn a little red looking up at me "Don't worry, because you rubbed off the salad and wraps onto me" she says pulling away putting the menu down on the table as a waitress comes over getting all their drinks.

The waitress gets to me, and I order a coke looking back at Quinn who was thumb wrestling with Evan. I chuckle softly shaking my head watching Quinn win.

"Finally" she says proudly.

"After two years, you finally won" Evan says as they high five each other.

"Practice makes perfect" Quinn giggles sipping the water that was already at the table when they got there.

"It sure does" I say softly leaning back into the chair looking at the table thinking zoning out a little until the waitress comes back setting the drink down in front of me.



"So, mom how is work?" I ask softly as I take a bite of a sweet potato fry that I go, along with a chicken ranch wrap.

"Its good" she replies with a smile "It is hard watching sick kids, but its a good feeling to know that you can do your best to help them"

I smile softly as I hold Monica's hand as she devours her food. "That's amazing" I say taking another bite looking at my dad. How about you? I ask.

I watch him as he sinks back into the chair as his smile becomes bigger. "Trying to get better because your mom and I are expecting another little bean" he smiles even more that his cheeks might also touch his eye lashes.

"Wait really?" I ask a little shocked as I hear Quinn gasp and squeal a bit.

"Yes, really Beth" says as she looks over at Jonah holding hid hand softy with a big smile plastered across her face.

"Im going to be a sister and an aunt" Quinn cheers fist bumping Kai as I let out a chuckle.

Monica smiles at Beth. "Maybe we can have a baby shower together" she says sipping her drink already done her food.

"Oh my gosh, yes, we should" Beth says with big smile, and they exchange phone numbers and already start talking about color ideas and what food they will have.

I look over to Jonah laughing softy eating the last fry on my plate thinking about something that has been circulating in my thoughts for a couple weeks. Should I move my business back to LA? Both my family and Monica's family are here so we could have the baby here being closer to them. As well, it would give me the chance to keep an eye on Quinn and be there for her when she needs me, or if no one else is there for her I will be.

"So, how long are you guys staying for?" Jonah asks as he eats some of his noodles.

"Actually, that's what I wanted to say" I gulp and look at Monica smiling knowing she already knows what I am about to say. "I am thinking or planning to move my company here to LA" I say with a smile "So we can be closer to our family's and so the baby can also grow up where we both were raised" I say looking at my parents. "And so I can be closer to help Quinn, if she needs it" I say looking down the table to Quinn.

She smiles brightly, getting up from her seat walking over hugging me from behind wrapping her arms around my shoulders "Thank you, I love you, big brother" she says on the verge of tears.

I place a hand on her arm softly "No problem kiddo" I say turning my head kissing her forehead softly.

She pulls away walking back to her seat as I watch Kai rub her back with a big smile on his face. The thought of my little sister dating makes me want to gag, but Kai is a good friend. The way he looks at her though makes me think otherwise. He definitely likes her. I mean they have been friends for a really, really long time. I am not surprised, nor will I be surprised if he tells her one day.


Word count:914

Growing up II Sequel II Re-writtenWhere stories live. Discover now