Chapter 4

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I start walking towards the bus stop holding my binder to my chest looking around seeing all the kids mingling or goofing around with each other. I let my head fall down towards the ground looking down at my shoes thinking to myself about something letting out a sigh.

"Quinn" Kai says as he shows up beside me putting his hand on my shoulder softly as I lift my head to look up at him.

"Yeah? I ask softly as I see Tobias, Minnie, and Evan waiting at the other end of the bus line thinking as a frown devours my mouth.

"We have the same bus, so I was wondering if you wanted to sit with me?" he asks with his big smile that makes my heart, for some reason, flutter.

"Sure" I say smiling weakly, back at him, pulling my attention back towards the road seeing the bus pull up hearing the other three talk as they come closer.


My head leans against the window as Kai is turned with his back to me talking to Tobias about something. I watch as we pass cars and houses seeing that the bus finally came to a stop near my house. I get up scooting past Kai swinging my bag over my shoulder softly walking to the front waving to the bus driver as I usually do before walking down the steps jumping down the last one.

"Quinn, wait up" Evan says as I turn back to see him and Kai running behind me as, Tobias and Minnie linger behind a bit holding hands.

I turn my head back forward walking a bit faster, but both boys caught up walking on either side of me. A sigh escapes my mouth as Kai looks over at me with a frown looking back at the other two behind us.

"So, you like Tobias?" Evan asks as we keep walking.

Heat rises up my neck, to my cheeks, but I look over at him. "I think I did..." I mumble. "I think Im just upset, because Minnie stopped talking to me and neither of them told me that they were dating" I say looking down at the pavement I thought they were my best friends, especially Minnie, but no I say huffing.

Kai puts his arm around my shoulder softly pulling me to his side softly "Don't worry, you have me and Evan" he smiles brightly.

Evan smiles at me and Kai "He is right" he says softly nudging my arm with his elbow.

"Yeah" I smile softly as we get to my house. My eyes widen when I see a taxi and Nico paying the diver, and a girl, who must be Monica, rubbing her baby bump holding a bag.

I pull away from Kai running to Nico. He turns seeing me and I jump hugging him tightly. He hugs back stumbling a bit chuckling.

"Hey to you to" he says pulling away looking at me. "Jeez, you grew" he smiles patting the top of my head looking at Evan and Kai. "Wow, you still hang out with them?" he asks.

I hit his shoulder softly. "Yes, they are my best friends" I smile looking at them as they wave awkwardly.

He laughs softly and looks over at Monica reaching for her hand. "This is Monica" he says "Monica this is my sister Quinn" he smiles brightly.

"You didn't tell me she was this pretty" I say giggling as he glares at me. "Im joking" I say and look to see Kai and Evan walking over.

"Finally, we get to meet" Monica says as she gives me a side hug.

I return the hug as Kai and Nico do that bro hug thing that I never understood. I smile pulling away as she does and run up jumping on Evans back. He catches my legs softly letting out a little laugh. I wrap my arms around him softly smiling looking at Kai who was also smiling.

"Oh my god your home" I look up to see my mom walking down the stairs with dad leaning against the pillar by the railing smiling.

Nico hugs her and kisses her cheek. "Yeah, sorry for the surprise he says It was sort of last minute" he mumbles.

"Well, then we are going out to celebrate that you are home" mom says and looks over at Monica for a second, then at me and the two other boys. "You guys can come too just make sure you let your parents know, also welcome home to you too" Kai she smiles.

"Thank you, Mrs. M" Kai says with a smile.

Both Evan and I gag as he said that, and we all let out a laugh.


Word count: 791

Growing up II Sequel II Re-writtenWhere stories live. Discover now