In Xenon

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racked sobs strung up, hooks through the ankles,

hang like vapor in cold air.

A band saw orchestrates a haunting hummmmm

rattling the leaves of frost bitten trees, cowering from

the frigid night. The screams of shifting lake ice.;

A Banshee wailing over a thin death ripening. She - the reaper

of souls, a guide through the endlessness, rides a white spectral,

skeletal horse on the chariot of winds, driven in

from the north from a damned palatial paradise for poltergeists.

A banqueting feast of spirits, clamorously crescendos, jolting 

the stars in Phrygian  ecstasy, as they gorge on souls freshly deceased,

brought by psychopompic black birds -

shepherds of the dead -

to the palace where death and life are wed.

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