Face the Silver

15 1 0

I walked

        among the smoking tombs

       in the rolling glades

     the ground rumbled, bloated

as the roar of past

                  chorused out and shook the night

                A tear,

                       A split

                  A seam popped.

            A star fell out of the gap

                          for you


red eyed and bleak

            the tombs chomp like teeth

spitting bones; seeds and worms

         from fruit

I crawled on bloody knees

cut from the earth's green blades; rusting.

Where were you then?

Far from now?

Bone clouds lust the night

and in the breath I see the faces




the leaves on an untended vine

Your invisible hand in mine

we stare Back at the moon

Confusion in Underground Cloudsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें