Unconventional Circles

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Deeply bruised clouds rolled in 
encircling and darkening the windows. 
In the deepening gloom                                                                                                                                     they held hands and spoke                                                                                                                                 the cold broke the air

footsteps echo down the unlit hall
gathering speed as they fall

the sound of glass tinkling down
all around could be heard
but not seen.
Billowing breath shimmers
a luminous blue

footsteps echo down the unlit hall
gathering speed as they fall

rippling through the black snow
flitting through the earth.
The mirror quakes
and luminous sheets of bodies
waver in and out of focus

footsteps echo down the unlit hall
gathering speed as they fall.

Chanting gathers its vortex-voice
from beyond the rope and the cords:
low tremoring sacred words  
rattling the frames.

footsteps echo down the unlit hall
gathering speed as they fall.

Harnessing the vomiting translucent 
cheesecloth smoke eschewing 
from the many mouths
all the doors slammed open
all the windows spider-webbed

footsteps echo down the unlit hall
gathering speed as they fall
                        I I

footsteps stopped but the echos could not                                                                                                       the forms stopped writhing within                                                                                                                   their billowing curtains and dissolved                                                                                                                 in the heat, the inverted blazing triangle,                                                                                                             an eye black and pitiless                                                                                                                                     the doors slammed shut                                                                                                                                     the curtains sucked outside                                                                                                                                   in the gasp of the house, breathless and empty they lay,                                                                   soulless sarcophagi                                                                                                                                                 in their own conjured night

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