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Forever is a lie,

No matter how hard you try.

You will beg them to stay,

But they will say goodbye.

People will always leave,

And in the end you will only grieve.

Sometimes forever lasts for minute or just a day,

But in the end people will always walk away.

They say they will always be there

Now when you need them they are not even near

Some will have very good reasons

And some will change like seasons

they won't understand the pain they have caused

And you will be the only one feeling hurt and lost

They won't see or wipe away your tears

And they won't realize that they are the reason of many of your fears

Forever is so good to be true

In the end their is nothing you can do

You will be left wondering what you did wrong

How a relationship like this can break which was so strong

In the end these all will be just sad stories

And you will be left with nothing but heart breaking memories

Note:- read , vote and comment :)

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