I would have always chosen you

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I was your best friend

Don't i matter?

You turned your back on me

When I needed you the most

To you I was your last option.

And you chose her

When in my case

I would have always chosen you

You just stopped caring

You found someone new

When in my case it was always you

Even if there was someone better

I would have always chosen you

I did everything i could

To save our friendship

But you lost your interest

When in my case

Even after you hurt me so bad

I would have always chosen you

You chose what was best for you

It's OK I don't hate you

But what hurt is

That I wasn't the best for you

When in my case I would have always chosen you

Author's note :- ok so here is the new update.how was it did you enjoy ??

This poem is not that great I admit that but this poems means alot to me so ya if anyone who feels sad that you lost your best friend don't be because if that person was your best friend they wouldn't have left and believe and have faith that with time things get better :)

Read vote and comment guys.i love you all :* :)

You guys are the reason behind my smile and keep making me smile through your sweet comments

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