save me

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Sometimes I feel so helpless

I want people to notice

But they don't see

The pain that is killing me

I'm drowning in my sorrows

And i want someone to save me

I want them to look me in the eyes

And see the demons that i hide

The demons I fight

I need someone strong enough,

To save me.

I'm screaming on the inside

But on the outside I'm so quite

I want to shout

And scream

And Beg for help

But when I open my mouth

It's like I can't find words to speak

Someone please help me

I feel so numb

I just want to run

I want to go far away

My thoughts are suffocating me

Darkness is all i see

I want someone to understand me

Someone who will break these walls

Behind which I hide

Is anybody listening ?

Does anybody care ?

Someone please help me

Someone please save me

Author's note :- first of thank u thank thank u for 1000 votes :') I can't even speak .*jumping up and down*
So what I'm today is all because of u and I can't thank u guys enough or tell how much you all mean to me keep supporting .. I'm everything because of you guys :*

4:00 a.m (wattys 2014 winner)Where stories live. Discover now