Ch.1: The drive to Hell

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(A/N): Please do keep in mind that as I am making it up as I go. In this story there will be cursing so...yea hope your okay with that. Anyways lets get on with the story.

(Y/n) POV:

Your staring out of the window of the car as your making ((A/n): your way down town walking fast) to a place called Horseland. Your parents thought it will be best for you to be more social with others. Since back home, all you had to talk to was (H/n), she was always there when you need someone to talk to you didn't really talk to anyone that much and most of the kids at school would think your to confident and smart, but you don't give a damn about what they say you just kept to yourself and not let anyone in. 'What if I don't like it there?, what if they don't like me?' you thought to yourself. You were caught of in your thought by your mom.

"Look (Y/n), were almost there its only a few more miles," she said with a smile on her face."A few more miles its 8 in the morning we will be there by noon," your dad told your mom. Its true you had to be woken up at 4 in the morning to get there and slept when y'all left the house. Your mom rolled her eyes at your dad and turn to look behind her seat to look at you, "Also your gonna be living there with the owners, please behave and be nice to others around you," she said sternly. You look a her disbelief, she never said that you'll be living there on your own with people you don't know. "WHAT?! You never told me that. Now that will explain why you told be to pack the suitcase, What in the actual hell you guys?!!" you yell at her. You Dad look into rear view mirror to look at you.

"Sorry sweetie, but we both knew that if we told you in the every beginning, you wouldn't wanted to go, its for the best, and both us and the owners thought it would be a good idea that you stayed there. You need to be more social and I understand that you have (H/n) to talk to, but you still need to talk to other people, atleast make some friends while your there," He said to you and continued to drive. "I don't want to go there, but no you guys begged me to go and here I am, also where will you two be going while I'm gone?" you asked crossing your arms. 

"We'll be going to Oregon to live your Aunts and Uncles there," your Mom said. You can't believe what your hearing. "what about the house and the barn and school?!" you yelled asking. "We sold them and for a good deal too and as for school we signed you up for online class instead of you going to an actual school since we thought you would be prefer doing that," your Mom answered. You couldn't believe what you are hearing, they sold the only home you have known and they're going to Oregon while you stayed here in Texas ((A/N) Just go with it) You were pissed " Your basically getting rid of me!!!" you told them.

" No honey its not like that, we just want whats best for you," you Dad says. " Yea, by getting rid of me and not want anything to do with me," you snapped at them and cross your arms. "No, No,No, listen we promise to call you every night and we'll talk about how our days went and will send pictures and stuff too, how does that sound?" Mom asked. You just sat there with a pissed of look on your face you didn't bother to look at them. You couldn't believe it, your own parents didn't tell you this, let alone asked you if you were okay with it. You feel like you have lost almost everything in your life. Your home, the barn you would go to every single day to ride (H/n) and help with the other barn animals. Atleast you will take online classes instead of going to an actual school, then you wouldn't wanted to be the new girl there and just be that at Horseland.

'They be having the time of their life, while i'll be stuck in hell, atleast I have (H/n) to keep me some REAL company.' was all you thought about and stared out the window. Your parents look at each other with a concerned look on their face. They really want you to make friends or atleast one friend. They know you have (H/n), but they worry that their only child will be lonely and they don't want that to happen. The rest of the drive was silent, nobody talked or but on the radio to listen to some music. You continue to stare out the car window, watching as the tress and fields of grass go on and on. Your parents will often turn to look at to make sure if you were okay. They would even tried to make small talk every once in a while. Your dad would only pull over to take small breaks and to stretch your legs. During those's brakes would would go to the trailer to see if (H/n) was doing okay and would let her run for awhile and would also give her food and water. Then you'll be back on the road to Horseland.

The entire time you can think about was how much hell you'll be put through while your there and eventually you fell to sleep into a dream of nothing but darkness. Waiting until you get to Horseland or what you prefer to start calling it as hell. 

3rd POV:

While you were asleep all your parents did was glance at you and then to each other. They really do hope you can make alteast one just one friend. That way they know that your going to be okay that way they know and don't have to worry that much like how you were in school every single year. They want you to be happy and the only way they can be sure of that is making you live at Horseland, but right now they both knew that you hated them for doing this to you and that your still angry at them. They didn't had any second thoughts about any of it when they found out about Horseland and did their research and found how they kids there would work together and with their horses as a team. They liked the sound of that and signed you up anyways. Your Mom looked over to your Dad.

"Honey do you think we're doing the right thing here I mean she is going to be alright, right?" she asked him. He look to her then back on to the road. " Of course we are, remember were doing this because we want her to be happy and for her to have a friend", he told her. Your Mom smiled and nodded at him, but they don't know what will happen to you while their in Oregon. They continue to think to themselves.

'She's going to be okay', what your parents thought about the rest of the way there.

'She will be okay'

*Meanwhile at Horseland*

Will POV:

I was watching everyone and telling them on how they were doing and giving them some pointers on what they should and what they shouldn't do, until I heard my phone ring. I checked to see who it was and it was my Aunt, my cousin Bailey's Mom. She and my Uncle are the owners here in Horseland. 

"Hello," I answered.

"Will, can you please come inside, we have good news about a new rider," She said to me.

"Sure," I told her and hang up. I told everyone to keep on practicing and that I'll be back. I walk up to the main house and go to tho office. When I walk in I see my Aunt and Uncle there. "So were getting a new rider?" I asked them. My Uncle nodded," Yes, her name is (Y/n) (l/n), her horse is a (H/b) named (H/n). Her parents thought it would be a good idea to bring her her to have better social skills to other people and she will be put in your group, so please make sure to make her feel comfortable." my Uncle to me. "And she will be staying with us too and we had already set up a bedroom that is right across from yours." my Aunt added.

"Okay, don't worry I'll make sure everyone will make her feel welcomed," I told them. "Oh, and do keep in mind she will have a hard time getting use to everything and to everyone here, remember she doesn't like to be social that much. She only talks to her horse than to people, that why her parent are sending her here." my Aunt told me. " Okay, I'll keep that in mind. When do they get here?" I asked them. "They be here by noon", my Uncle told me. I looked at the clock it was almost 11!!." Wow, then I better hurry and tell the others to help get everything ready." I said to them as I run out to tell the others the news.

*(A/N) hey there, its me I hope your enjoying it so far and again please do keep in mind I'm coming up with this as i go. there might be a few misspelling errors here and there. And yes, there will be swearing involve with this story like i said before even if it wasn't that much in it. Wills voice will be the same like from season 1, his voice will change if I make them grow into adult. Also be sure to remember that this is my first time ever writing something this and I'm nervous that I might mess up on this so please don't hate comment at me. Also while your here please let me know on how I'm doing so far. 

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