Ch.5: Lost

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(Y/n) POV:

Once I felt that we were far enough, I made (H/n) slow down. "Hey girl, sorry about that, but you know how they were acting right?" I asked her, she neighed and started to walk, I looked up at the sky to see that the sun was going down. "Okay girl, I think we should stay here for the night, but where is here?" I asked her, I looked around to see where we were, but trees were the only thing we see.

"Great, were lost," I said to her, as we kept on walking. "We should find some shelter, like a cave," I said and looked around for one, we kept on walking for a few minutes, until finally I saw a cave not to far up ahead. We quickly ran to it and looked around it was big enough for us to sleep in. (Pic above)

I get off (H/n) and pet her mane, "I'll be right back, Im gonna go get some sticks to make a fire," I told her and went to go get some wood. Once I got the wood, I head back to the cave, 'Good thing I didnt go far,' I thought and started to make the fire. Once it was lit up, I sat down and looked at the fire, "I wonder if anyone is out looking for us, probably not or maybe they are?" I said to (H/n), she nugded my head and layed down next to me.

"Who knows, maybe they are looking for us," I said as I lean against her, I sighed and looked outside seeing thats it was already dark out. "Well what do you think about all of this girl," I asked (H/n). She neighed at me and nod her head at me, I looked at her and smiled, " Yea, its nice there and all, but Im still not to sure about it, so far the only one who I open up so far is Will, but Im still not to sure about him either, so far the only one I could only trust us you girl," I said to her.

I looked back at the fire, feeling the heat making me warm. I looked outside again, 'Should I open up more, if so then who maybe Will?, but thats if we are found,' I thought and closed my eyes and let sleep consume me.

(H/n) POV:

I looked over at (Y/n), who was already asleep, she did seem pretty mad at those two girls, I dont blame her, if it were me I would be too. I also wonder if anyone is really out looking for us, but it is pretty late and I doubt that they are. So many questions are going through my mind like why would those girls say such a thing like that to (Y/n)?, is someone really looking for us?

I look at the fire than at (Y/n), I remember that one time we were lost one day while we were out riding. It terrible we had to run away from a bear that night.


We were out riding in the forest and (Y/n) was talking about how she was doing in her classes, until we heard something snap. We stop our tracks and looked around, I sniffed the air and smelled something dangerous it smelled like a bear. I neighed and looked behind us and sure enough it was a bear. "OH SHIT!! We better run," (Y/n) yelled as I began to run. We ran from left and right to make sure that we lost the bear, "Good job, girl we lost him," she said to me, I neighed in agreement. "Okay lets get out of here," she said as I began to walk back to where the trail was, but the only problem was that we dont know which direction we came from.

"Oh no, were lost," (Y/n) said and I nod in agreement, we looked around and saw trees, she pulles out her phone to call for help, but she couldn't get a signal. ((A/N) THE HORROR) "Damn,no signal, well looks like were gonna spend the night out doors," she said to me as she got off, "Lets make a fire and find some berries to eat," she said and looked to the sky seeing the colors of the sunset. She looked around and found some sticks on the ground as I looked for berries for her. She came back to me as I nod my head towards a blueberry bush. She set up the campfire and made sure to make it well enough so that there no wild fires and picked some berries and began to eat some and hand me some to eat aswell. " Good thing, we had weekend camping trips, Ill have to thank dad for the survive training," she said to me, I neighed at her in agreement.

It was night already and (Y/n) laid down next to me and lean against me and began to fall sleep. I kept watch for awhile to make sure it was safe. The fire went out an 1hr ago and it was starting to get a little bit chilly, and (Y/n) to shiver abit and snuggled up against me some more. I head my head down, but not before I looked around once more and fall to sleep.

The next morning, we got up early and tried to find our way back to the trail. It took us and hour or 2, but we finally found, we were walking back on the trail until we saw a forest ranger riding on a black stallion, "Excuse me, but are you (Y/n) (L/n) and is this your horse (H/n)?" He asked (Y/n). "Yes sire, we are," she said to him, "Oh thank goodness, your parents were worried sick about you," he said and told us to follow hima back to the station.

When we got back, we saw her parents wait for us at the station, when they saw us the ran towards us. (Y/n) got off me and her parents hug her and pat me on my mane, "Are you two alright, we were so worried," her mom asked. "Yea were okay," she replied to them, "Good, but how did you get lost?" her dad asked, "We were on the trail, when a bear showed up and chase us, ran off the trail and thats how we got lost, we made a fire and (H/n) found berries for us to eat, it was also abit chilly out,  but (H/n) help keep me warm abita and also kepy me safe," she said to her parents.

They sighed in relief, her dad came up to me at pat my mane. "Thats a good girl," he said to me as I rubbed my head against his face. Once we were cleared to go, we went home to have a proper meal and get some proper sleep.

~End of Flashback~

Ever since that day, I have always been worried about (Y/n)s safety and health. I will protect her till the end no matter what her life is more important than mine, and I know she would do the same for me. My eyes began to grow heavy and soon enough I began to sleep.

Wills POV:

I went on the trail that I hope they went on, it does get kinda dangerous at night. On top of that, they dont know their way around here yet. " Oh man, I hope their okay," I said to Jimber, he neighed in agreement. Its already dark out and still no signed of them. Their lost out there and its already starting to get cold abit.

"Maybe we should set up camp and look for them in the morning," I said to Jimber and got off him to start a fire. I got some wood and made a fire to keep warm. Jimber was already sleeping, so decided I laid down and look up at the sky, 'Please be okay, we'll find you in no time, just please be safe,' I thought and close my eyes and fall asleep knowing im gonna need my energy to find them.

(A/n) AAAAAYYYYEEE, so I'm alive, well kinda of i woke up sick today, and decided to finish with this chapter. Sorry that it took so long, I had my cousins 15th and since its getting cold out. I need to keep warm like everyone, but hey enough about that, how have yall been?, Ive been okay, i have working to get my money for black friday and im pretty sure that you guys have been doing the same. Now then back to this please comment, vote and tell how yall liking it so far should i have some chapters for the holidays. Please let me know,  anyways hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. See ya in the next one my lovies~

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