Ch.12: Friendly Wolves & some News

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~The Next Morning~

(Y/n) POV:

I wake up and groaned softly, I sit up and rub the sleep from my eyes. I look at my phone and look at the time, it was FUCKING 6:20 IN THE MORNING. 'Fuck me,' I thought, I should just go ahead and make sure the food is safe and go do my routine, before the others wake up. I got my stuff for my routine.

I head out my tent and look up at the sky, it was still kinda dark out, but you can see abit of light. I first went to behind a tree that was near the river and away from the others, so I can use the restroom room. After that, I went to the river, took out the soap to was my hands ((A/n) my stupid ass forgot to add soap to the list, but here ya go), I think took out my toothbrush and toothpaste, brushed my teeth, then put on my deodorant.

I also decided to why not wash my hair in the river,I took out my mini shampoo ((A/n) why the fuck do I keep forgetting stuff), I wash my hair and dried it with my towel. Once I had everything done, I went to put my stuff back in my tent. I felt a cool breeze and shivered abit, I put on my hoodie and decided to why not take a nature walk. I grabbed my pocket knives, tazer, pepper spray and the stick from yesterday. I went over to see if (H/n) was awake.

The horses woke up, when I got near them. "Morning, sorry that I woke you guys up, I just wanted to know if (H/n) wanted to go for a morning ride," I said to them, (H/n) nod her head happily, I giggled, "Great, lets go," I said to her as I untied her from the branch, I hopped on her back, "No saddle for now," I said to her as he headed in to the forest.

We walked for 10 minutes, in the nice cool morning breeze, in silence. There were some birds chirping here and there, but thats what made it even more relaxing. We kept on walking around, "This is nice, don't you think girl?" I asked (H/n), she neighed in agreement. Now, to what felt like 30 mins, we have been walking, we have been going straight the entire time, just in case we don't get lost.

We went in to a clearing, that had a few trees and saw the sunrise, "Wow, take a look at that sunrise girl, its beautiful," I said to her, she neighs as we both watched. I took this as an opportunity and took out my phone to take a picture. (Pic above)((A/n) I thought it look nice)

"Huh, I can't believe Im saying this, but Im actually glad that I woke up early this morning," I said, (H/n) neighs, as we continued to watch. We kept on watching until, we heard a whimper, "Did you hear that girl?" I asked, she nods, we both look around, and saw some movement from behind a bush. I got my stick ready, in case I needed to attack, we took a few steps back, and look intensely at the bush.

Then......a wolf pup, hopped out of the bush?, I was expecting something more bigger. I hopped off (H/n) and we both looked at each other then at the pup, we both took cautious steps toward it. "Hey, there, are you lost?" I asked to the pup as I crouched down. The pup backed up abit, I put down the stick and stuck my hand out to it, letting it know Im not a threat. The pup came up to me slowly, it sniffed my hand, then licked it. It barked happily at me and wagged its tail, I smiled and pet the wolf pup. The pup was gray with white from the bottome of his mouth to its chest ((A/n) Its like the wolf from cry wolf, but as a pup, aswell as the wolf from the last chapter the)

"Okay, now then, are you a boy or a girl," I said to it as I checked its gender.....its a boy. "Well, what do you know (H/n), its a boy," I said to her, she came up to us and looked down at the pup. The pup stared up at her, I let him know thag she was with me and that shes friendly. (H/n) brought her head down for the pup, the pup sniffed her and barked happily and licked her. "Aw, your such a cute little guy, but where is your mama?" I asked him. He barked and walked to where he had came from, he look back at us, like he wanted us to follow him. I picked up my stick and we began to follow him.

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