Ch.13: The Sleepover

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(Mw/n): mama wolfs name
(Wp/n): wolf pup name
(B/n): brothers name
(F/p): favorite pizza

Bailey POV:

We walked into the house and went to my dads office, we knocked on the door and heard my dad telling us to come in. We see him sitting at his desk, looking at some papers and looks up, "Hey kids, what can I do for you?" He asked us, "Well sir, we were wondering if we could have a sleepover tonight," Sarah said to him, as the rest of us nod in agreement.

"Yea, we all think it's a good idea, so that we can some more team bonding," Nani added, my dad began to think. "Well I think its a good idea," my mom said as she came in, "Alright, well okay as long as your parents are okay with it, then sure," he said to us, "Thank you," we said to them as we walked out the office. "Lunch is ready by the way," my mom called out to us.

We made are way to the dining room to eat. We got are lunch and sat down, "Okay, so now that we got the okay, we just need are parents permission," Alma said as we ate. "Don't forget the what activities we'll ve doing," Chloe said, "I was thinking that we could bake, like cookies or cupcakes," Molly suggested, "Yea, we could also watch some movies and tell scary stories," Zoey said. "Those are all really good ideas, but we should also ask (Y/n) during the sleepover, on what we should also do," Will said.

"Yea, and we also need to figure out what kind of food we will have," I said to them, "Oh, I know, we could order some pizzas," Sarah said. We all like the idea of ordering pizza, we discuss on what types we want. ((A/n) I like pepperoni, I don't like it with pineapple, I also dont want to start a debate so.. no fighting)

"Shouldn't (Y/n), be back soon?" Will asked, I sighed, "Will, I know you like the girl, but don't worry to much, she can take care of herself," I said to him. "Yea, I know, I guess I worry to much for her," he said with a sighed. I know (Y/n) can take care of herself even if we don't talk that much, but knowing Will, he might go looking for her if she's not back soon. 'Just need to keep stalling them for awhile,' I thought.

(Y/n) POV:

We were done eating, and looked at the time, it was already 1. We need to head back soon, before they send a search party. I stood up and stretched, I sighed and look up at the sky, some clouds here and there, but still looked nice. I made sure to leave the stick somewhere so I know where it is for next time.

I looked back at them, "Sorry, guys, but it looks like we have to leave now," I said to them. They looked upset, that we have to leave, "But, don't worry, we'll try to visit, when there no practice," I added. They liked the sound of that, "Oh, and I think I have the perfect names to name you two," I said to the wolves.

"For you mama wolf, I was thinking of the name..(Mw/n), what do you think?" I asked her, she wagged her tail as she barked happily at the name and licked my face. "Great, and now for you, boy, I was thinking...(Wp/n)," I said to him, he barked happily at the name and jumped in my arms and began to lick my face. I laughed, and set him back down and gave him one last pet and pet (Mw/n), before hopping on (H/n).

"Bye (Mw/n), Bye (Wp/n), see you two later," I said to them as (H/n) neighed a goodbye at them. They both bark at us and ran back to their home, "Lets go girl," I said and with that we made our way back to horseland. It took us awhile to get back, but we finally got back at 3:30.

I hopped off (H/n) and put her back in her stable. "Well that was fun, lets hope that we are able to go tomorrow," I said to her as I pet her mane. She neighs in agreement, I made sure to give her food and water before heading back to the house. I made sure that my clothes weren't too dirty and made sure that there wasn't any blood from the rabbit, I killed earlier. Once I did, I went inside and went towards my room.

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