Chapter 8

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I am here to tell you that all the events before this  chapter are exactly the same! This chapter is going to be the Asakusa Arc, in which is going to be Nezuko finally meeting Tamayo and Yushiro, Susamaru and Yahaba, and the one and only Muzan Kibutsuji. However the meeting with Kyogai, who is the former lower moon six, is going to take place before this chapter. So that means that Inosuke and Zenitsu are traveling with her, at this moment! I hope this helps, cause I kind of did an odd time skip, because I was not wanting to write all the smaller battles that came before it, the only reason why is because it would have been the same exact thing in the anime except it was just Nezuko kicking their butts. Another reason why is I don't really remember them all that well, and I wanted to REALLY get a move on to where her journey really starts. I hope you enjoy!


Finally we made it....

....we made it to Asakusa, Tokyo!

 After my last mission, which happened to be my run in with one of the former twelve demon moons, the sixth, Kyogai, and not only that but my run in with Zenitsu and Inosuke, we were in need of somewhere to rest. We decided, or I decided and Zenitsu agreed, on staying here for a bit, and while there was many complaints on Inosuke's behalf, he soon also agreed. However, this may have not been the smartest plan, since one of us sticks out, like a sore thumb, too much.
Walking along the streets, our group did get a lot of stares, but it was pointless in stopping it, so I decided to dismiss it. Inosuke on the other hand...


"What the heck are you looking at, you want to fight!"

........seemed to be his take on it.

"Hey Nezuko, aren't you hungry, why don't we go eat somewhere!" said Zenitsu, as he gave a genuine smile not once shredding a tear, which did surprise me as he was quite known for his loud outburst.

"Oh, I guess so.. From the looks of it, I think there may be a small ramen shop down there," I said as I pointed forwards, through the large crowd that stood on the streets.

"Alright let's go!" said Zenitsu, as he grabbed my hand pulling me with him, as a screaming Inosuke followed behind.

~After Buying Delicious Ramen!~

As we all sat down on a short but length wise big bench, we all quickly thanked for our meal, and started eating!


As my bowl ever so slowly seemed to slip out of my hands, finally crashing on to the floor, I instantly started running....

It was him, I could sense him.....

I know he is here.....




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