Chapter 12

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It has been a week since the incident in Asakusa..

the death of Ms. Tamayo, the one who wanted to bring man and demon together...

and even though they were enemies, the death of the two demons we had fought..

it was all so sudden, that it took me a while to understand everything in that moment...

once I realized, I felt this undesirable hatred start to dwell in me...

whoever killed them, will pay a deep price..

I know I shouldn't kill them, because then I would be no better than them...

but still, the thoughts of this person makes me wonder if they know about Tanjiro..

if they do, are they watching him being tortured..

are they themselves torturing him, or have they killed him..

No, my mind must not think of such thoughts, even if it were to be so, I still can't think like that, if I do I will loose that glimmer of hope in finding him.

"Hey Nezuko, are you okay?" asked Zenitsu, as he bent his body downwards to get a good look at my face. His yellow eyes, sparkled as they kept themselves pointed at me, not once moving.

"Yeah, my mind just won't stop thinking about the incident," I said, as I looked in a different direction, in which faced directly away from his body.

"Which incident? Do you mean that one where Inosuke punched an innocent woman. I still can't believe he did that, women are creatures that shall not be put in harms way," said Zenitsu, as he stood beside my side, while we walked, to our next mission.

"No, even though that incident didn't end well for Inosuke in the end, my mind is not thinking about that. I am still thinking about what happened at Asakusa, even though this idea may sound crazy, I am wanting to track and find down the demon who did all of that," I said, as I felt a gentle breeze, hit my uncovered face.

"Nezuko,we don't even know what he looks like. It is utterly impossible for us to find him so I would give up," said Zenitsu, giving off a serious look of sorts.

"Hey, stop trying to act all cool and serious, your not. After all you are just a crybaby," said Inosuke, through his jacked up boar mask.

" S-shut up!" said Zenitsu, as his cheeks were flushed with a light shade of pink, that were glossed up by tears that heavily came out of his eyes. Soon came the sniffling off Zenitsu, which went on for around a minute, until he finally stopped.

"No matter what Nezuko, I wouldn't reach for goals that are unattainable, it will lead you nowhere. I have gone through it myself after all," said Zenitsu, as he gave me a small smile, which tried to bring comfort.

" I am sorry," I said. What did he go through? I don't know since Zenitsu really isn't an open book that you can read. Maybe one day he will soon tell me.

"Well I have gone through it many times actually. Every girl that I tried to marry, would leave me,  I don't understand why though.."

Of course that's why..

"Isn't it obvious," said Inosuke.

Oh, well I was expecting something more tragic and heart breaking, but I guess this can work too. Still why do I get this feeling that Zenitsu is lying, I know for sure he definitely is wanting to get married before death, but I get this aura coming off of him that tells me that something else happened. Whatever that something was it definitely took a tole on him, but what was it?

"So Zenitsu tell me more about yourself."



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