Chapter 19

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Thank you so much for supporting this story! Everyone has been so nice to me, and it has honestly made my week! 

(This chapter is  taking place after Rui's death, obviously, and Muzan and Tanjiro are meeting with the lower demon moons, to tell them about his death. Just wanted to make that clear! BTW, Tanjiro does not know yet about this occurrence only Muzan does.)


In the cold dark maroon room all of the lower demon moons stood, while they talked to one another about why this meeting had been called, and why Muzan wanted to do it so suddenly. They all had confused yet scared looks plastered on their faces, and not one of them knew what was going on. 

I myself had no idea why Muzan had called for everyone to come so suddenly, but I guess I would figure that out very soon. 

While the lower demon moons stood together in one area of the large disoriented room, I had my body placed right next to the biwa demon, while she played her small instrument.  We both sat together, high above the rest of them, with no conversation going on between the two of us, as the only thing that could be heard was the chatting of the lower moons and the melody that had been played on the biwa. 

As all of the sudden someone appeared, a young demon who gave off the appearance of a young woman in a black and red flowery kimono. From what I could see, I immediately knew who that was, their eyes gave it all away, it was Muzan. Muzan's vibrant red eyes, looked down at the lower demon moons as they seemed to give their glances towards him, but soon going back to talking. Not one of them seemed to pay mind to him, or I should say 'her.'

"Insolent fools," said Muzan, as 'her' eyes had given a look of coldness towards the people that stood below 'her.' 

"Muzan I am sorry I did not realize that, that form you had taken was actually you," said Enmu, lower moon one.

As Enmu's words had been said, each and every one of them instantly gave off a look of shock and fright, while they all knelt down on the ground, showing their respects.

"I am so sorry,"  said Mukago, lower moon four.

As the two demons pleaded for their forgiveness, the others gave looks of hoping to receive forgiveness. 

While on the other hand, it seemed that Muzan, didn't care at all about their useless pleads, from what I could tell.

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