Chapter 10

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Oh my word! I just started writing this fan fiction, around a few days ago and it has reached to so many votes, reads and comments!! I was honestly not expecting this at all, I am literally so happy right now, that I can't even obviously express it. Thank you so much!!!!

(By the way I took that picture and wrote this about two days ago, and it has already changed by so much! I am serious this means a lot too me!)

As my katana blocked the temari, that had flown towards me at high speeds, I was glad that I was finally able to protect someone, Ms. Tamayo. While she was a demon and all, I was very surprised to figure out that she acted absolutely nothing like one, honestly, she reminded me of how sweet my mother was.

"Are you okay?" said Tamayo, as she had a flash of concern etch her face.

"I am fine, I am just glad that you are safe and not hurt," I said, as I kept my eyes on the temari demon, waiting for her next move.

"W-WHAT HOW DID YOU BLOCK MY TEMARI,THAT ATTACKED AT SUCH A GREAT FORCE?!" said the demon, as out of anger, threw not one but two temari's at full speed.

Crap, how am I going to be able to defeat both of them...

"Nezuko! Don't worry we will keep your back," said Tamayo, as out of nowhere Inosuke ran towards one of the temari, slashing it into two with ease.

"Lady! That was too easy give me something harder" said Inosuke, as his hands dangled in the air, trying to communicate that he wanted it to be harder.

"I-I d-don't want to be here, let's run and get out of here Nezuko!" said Zenitsu, as tears fastly and in big amounts escaped his eyes. 

"No, we are going to stay here and fight!" I said, as I placed my katana right in front of me, allowing the enemies to know that I was most definitely serious.

"Get out of here, we don't need your help!" said Yushiro, as his hand was pointed straight at me.

"No Yushiro, we will need there help in this fight. After all he is definitely behind this," said Tamayo, as she stood up from the ground, getting her own self ready to fight.

"No Lady Tamayo, you mustn't fight! Leave it all to me and I guess the demon slayers," said Yushiro, as he kept his eyes drawn to Tamayo, not paying any attention to the fight. 

"You should pay better attention boy, people can sneak up on you,"said the Temari Demon, as her temari was only inches away from his face.


As Yushiro's head flew off of his body, there could be heard a small scream from Zenitsu, as Tamayo quickly grabbed his body. 

"Will he be okay!" I said, as I watched the two demons that were right before me.

"Yes, lucky for him he has the ability to regenerate his head. However it is not a very pleasant sight, so I would recommend looking away," said Tamayo, as she securely held Yushiro's limp body.

"Alright Inosuke and Zenitsu, you deal with the temari demon and keep her temari's from hitting Tamayo and Yushiro. I will deal with the other one, and if I am correct he is the one setting up this battle movement," I said, as I instantly sped up to attack the one male demon that stood on one of the tree branches.

"Okay," the boys said in unison, with a grunt coming from Inosuke, and tears still being shed from Zenitsu.

"How are you manipulating the temari's movement! I know it's you, you are the only explanation to this predicament," I said, as my katana barely hit him, before he jumped off the branch, landing on the grass filled ground.

"Why should I tell a demon slayer like you. Are you really expecting me to give off such information," said the male demon. The stare that he gave was downright and intense feeling, that gave me literal chills.

"I guess we will have too do this the hard way," I said, as I instantly started heading towards him, with my katana now glimmering off a pink shade of light.

"Stupid girl," the demon said, as every attack I made on him he had dodged. 

Why wasn't he attacking? Not only that he doesn't seem to be paying much mind to me, but to the temari demon? That confirms my suspicion that he is helping her.

"You sure are a pitiful excuse for a demon slayer, you can't hit me once, neither killing, and I can still sneak my next attack against you," said the demon.

"W-what do you mean!" I said, staring a look of confusion, as I looked everywhere around me, seeming not to find anything. 

"It's too late. Goodbye little demon slay-"

"LADY TAMAYO!!!screamed Yushiro, as his head seemed to finally have regenerated itself, but there before my eyes which caused everyone's attention to be focused on, was Ms. Tamayo's petite body, as her head had rolled right across the ground. 

"N-no YOU CANT LEAVE ME RIGHT NOW," yelled Yushiro once again. As he caressed her body, yet grabbing the sides of her shoulders roughly, her head and then her body started disappearing and turning into a gray ash like dust.

"She can't die, there is no way!" I whispered, as a small tear escaped my eye, soon rolling down my chin.

 Why? She had so many plans on too bringing humans and demons together. To stop this non-ending war that has gone on far too long between us. She didn't deserve such ruthless and cruel treatment, so why kill such an innocent person.

"Oh so he finally has taken action." said the male demon.

"It was about time!" said the temari demon.


As the sound of cutting through something was heard, in an instant both their heads layed limp next to their bodies. As the blood soaked through their dirty clothes slowly, leaving the scent of blood to become more noticeable, it was disgusting.

Whoever did this was the exact culprit that had just killed Tamayo.

I felt like crying, but I couldn't as the only thing that was able to be heard was the screaming that came from Yushiro, the only smell that was able to be recognized was blood, and the only thing I saw was a small glance of the embodiment of hell.

Whoever did this was no human, 

not even a demon, 

but a ruthless, cold-hearted monster.

Who could kill their own kind like this, I mean there could be no way this was the job of a Demon Slayer, it was too messy too be so. It looked like the work of someone who was angry, yet sad, but most of all the work of someone who was very devoted to what they serve and stand for. 

Still to kill your teammates so easily, that most definitely means that they were Muzan Kibutsuji's slaves. From stories of  what I heard of him, and how he plays in battles, this matches up to something he would plan out and exactly do. Everyone in his little game is a pon, just to be used and thrown away. That means he must look at both demons and humans, as pitiful beings, nothing but sacrificial play toys......

What a cruel way of thinking....



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