Chapter 7

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After our emotional morning Marisa made it her mission to hunt down a doctor so that I could see how the baby was doing, if I was still pregnant. So she had wrangled up something from her closet that I could fit and the three of us made our way to the doctor's office.

So that's how I ended up here, stretched out on a able with the doctor rubbing that wand thing around my slightly swollen belly, it looked more like I had just eaten a really big meal instead of being pregnant.

"Okay Miss Hills, everything is looking good, would you like to hear the heartbeat?"

I nodded, slightly afraid because I knew that this would make it real, there would be no denying that I'm pregnant.

The doctor moved the little wand back and forth for a few seconds, and then I heard it. A loud whooshing sound filled the room.

"Is that it, is that the heartbeat?"

Tears filled my eyes as the doctor nodded, a smile on her face.

"Would you like a picture?"

I was speechless and just nodded my head and she printed off a set of pictures from the ultrasound.

"Okay Miss Hills, you can make your next appointment at the front desk, see you in a few weeks."

I followed the doctor out of the room, still in a state of shock and met Marisa and Cameron in the waiting room. Marisa rushed at me.

"So what happened!"

I looked up at her with teary eyed.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?"

"I-I heard the heartbeat, I heard my baby's heartbeat."

"That's so exciting! Do you know what you're having?"

"No, but I have a feeling it's a boy, I've always wanted a son."

Cameron decided to but in.

"Well I think you're going to have a girl, I've always wanted a niece."

"Shut up, I think you're going to have twins, two boys. You know what, it doesn't matter I'm going to be the best aunt ever! We should go celebrate!"

"No, I think we should just stay in tonight, I'm pooped."

"No! We're going to celebrate, just dinner, I promise."

"Fine, but just dinner Marisa, nothing else, promise?"


We ended up going to this fancy new restaurant. Marisa let me borrow a dress from her closet so that we would all be dressed for the occasion.

"Cameron, how did you get reservations here, I heard that it was impossible to even get a reservation without being on a waitlist."

"Oh my naïve little Ana, when you're the Vice President of a fortune five hundred company, everyone wants me to eat at their restaurant."

"Way to be modest."

"Any time."

Before I could come back with a response the hostess told us to follow her to our table.

We got one of the best tables in the crowded restaurant. The hostess handed us our menus and told us that our waiter would be here shortly. I looked over the menu and my eyes almost popped out of my head.

"Holy shit, this is expensive, we should've chosen a cheaper restaurant."

Cameron laughed.

"Ana, I can afford it, it's fine order whatever you want, you have my niece to think about."

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