Chapter 13

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Ana's POV

Alexander had just left the room after I kicked him out in what had to be the most awkward way possible.

"Okay honey, let's see how the little one is doing."

I lifted my dress so that my belly was exposed and I heard her shocked gasp as she laid eyes on the scars covering my torso and legs. I was glad she didn't comment on them, but I figured she had an idea about why I was here in the first place. She put the cold blue gel on my and then she moved the wand over my stomach. I looked on in awe once the black and white picture of my baby appeared on the screen. I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing that.

"Okay everything is looking good and right on track. Do you know the sex yet?"

I shook my head.

"The last doctor I went to wasn't able to tell because the baby wasn't positioned correctly."

She moved the wand around some more.

"Well it looks like this little one decided to let its gender be known. Would you like to know what you're having?"

I shook my head. I knew Marisa wanted to plan a gender reveal party and she wanted everyone, me included to be surprised.

"Can you seal the results in an envelope? My friend is planning a gender reveal party and we thought it would be better if everyone, me included, were surprised."

She smiled excitedly at me.

"I love gender reveals. I'll go ahead and seal these up for you."

She printed out the results along with pictures of the baby which she handed to me. She wiped the gel from my belly and began packing up her equipment. She spoke as she packed the last of her things.

"Now, I want to do another check-up next week, you're a little big for Six monthsand I just want to make sure everything is still okay."

"Okay, thank you doctor."

"Anytime Ms. Hills."

She gathered up her things and headed toward the door.

"Have a good day." She called over her shoulder as she closed the door.

I pushed myself up into a sitting position and adjusted my dress so that everything was covered. I looked at the sealed envelope in my lap and fiddled with the clasp keeping it sealed. I really wanted to know what I was having but I knew I would be more excited if I got to reveal it in front of everyone and share in their reactions so I put it down next to me and looked at the ultrasound, smiling at the black and white image of my baby. Even though I hadn't gotten pregnant under any good circumstances, I was excited to be a mother because I knew that I would be a better mother to my child than mine ever was to me.


I jumped at the sound of my name and my eyes were met with the sight of Alexander standing at the foot of my bed.

"I apologize, I didn't mean to scare you, I knocked but you didn't answer."

"O-oh no, it's okay I guess I wasn't paying attention."

An awkward silence filled the room and I cleared my throat uncomfortably.

"D-did you need something?"

He cleared his throat before speaking.

"I just wanted to see how everything went, did you like Dr. Laws?"

I was kind of surprised that he cared about how my appointment went considering that after my first two days and this morning we hadn't spoken or even seen each other, I didn't think he even remembered that I was here half the time.

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