Chapter 17

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Alex's POV

My senses came back to me one by one. Touch, sound, but most of all, pain. I felt like I'd been hit by a truck and as that thought hit me my eyes snapped open. I was in a hospital room and as I jerked to sit up, I'd startled the nurse that stood at the foot of my bed, reading the chart hanging there.

"Oh! Mr. Rush, you're awake."

"Where is she?"

Her brows furrowed in confusion.

"I was in a car with three other people, one of them was a woman, my girlfriend, she's pregnant, where is she?"

"Sir, if she's pregnant she's likely in the maternity ward but I'm not her nurse so I don't know the extent of her injuries."

"And the two men I was with?"

"They're right outside waiting for you to wake up, I'll let them in if you're ready?"

I nodded for her to let them. They rushed in, both dressed in hospital-issued scrubs and small cuts over their faces and arms, probably from the glass.

"Thank God you're awake, they said you'd be fine but they still wouldn't let us see you, your family is outside."

And as if they were listening, my mother and sisters burst through the door, yelling over each other."

"Alex are you okay? Oh, my poor baby!"

"Alex, what happened?"

I raised a hand to silence them.

"Guys please, I'm fine but I do have a hell of a headache so could you please stop with the yelling?"

My younger sister, Katherine, the most level headed of the three even at 16, gave a quick apology.

"Sorry Alex, we're just worried."

"It's alright, I'm fine, just a little banged up."

"Oh, I'm just glad everyone made it out okay."

My eyes snapped to my mother.

"So she's okay, you went to check on her?"

She furrowed her brow and shook her head in confusion.

"Who? We only got the call about you Nate and Jacob, n they never said anything about anyone else."

Dammit. She wouldn't have the same emergency contacts as the rest of us.

I turned to Jacob and Nate.

"Did you get word on Ana? Where is she?"

"Last we heard she was in surgery but that was hours ago, they wouldn't tell us anything else but Cameron and Marisa are trying to figure out what's going on with her."

Katherine gasped in shock.

"Ana was in the car too? Is she okay? What about the baby?"

Nate looked down at her, disappointment clouding his features.

"I don't know kiddo."

Clara snorted.

"I don't know why you all are concerned about her, she isn't family."


"Jesus Clara have a heart!"

"What's your fucking issue, Clara? That woman hasn't done a damn thing to harm you or anyone else."

"She's nobody! Nothing but a gold-digging whore that's fooling all of you into thinking she's so innocent!"

They argued for a while longer while I listened, blood boiling.

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