5. Team

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Lisa wakes up as she hears her alarm ring. She really doesn't want to go back into work but she promised herself she was going to fight her anxiety and get through this so that she can get back to her old self. Her old self that she missed oh so much.

Lisa walks to her bathroom and takes a shower before she brushes her hair and gets dressed, making sure to apply some of her favourite perfume. It brought her comfort. A sense of familiarity.

It reminded her of the days she'd go about her days so carelessly.

She walks back into her room and looks into her mirror, she noticed how she looks much thinner nowadays compared to the days when she used to be happy. She shakes herself out of it, she didn't want to begin the day sad. She turns to put on her shoes and she heads out for her second day at her new job.

She had no idea how she was going to face her colleagues after the disaster that was yesterday. She felt extremely embarrassed and as though she had made the worst possible first impression.

She was really worried that she'll have scared them away.

She gets in her car and drives to work.

Once she arrives, she makes her way upstairs avoiding eye contact with anyone in order to make herself feel alittle more safe. If she recognised someone she would just find herself thinking if they saw her little attack yesterday.

She approaches the floor where her booth is situated and heads straight to her seat without looking up.

"Hey" One of her colleagues approach her.

She expects it to be the girl who helped her out yesterday but when she looks up she notices this girl has dark brown hair.

"Hi?" Lisa replies questioningly, feeling nervous due to their close proximity. She was too afraid to make eye contact just yet.

"I just want to say I'm sorry for not being able to help yesterday. I was just a bit surprised as I'd never seen someone have a panic attack before" The brunette apologises.

Lisa cringes at being reminded about the fact that everyone witnessed that yesterday.

"It-its fine" She responds.

"My names Niki by the way" The brunette offers her hand and smiles at Lisa.

"Lisa" Lisa lifts her gaze and responds shaking the girls hand with a smile.

"The truth is... Yesterday we were all excited to meet you because our boss had told us a lot about this new mysterious employee and we're all sorry if that made you panic"

Lisa lifts her eyebrows in surprise thinking 'they were excited to meet me?'.

"Oh wow... well, uh... I hope I can make it up to you guys and you don't need to be sorry" Lisa says beginning to relax around her new friend...if she could call her that.

The girl smiles at Lisa before taking her seat behind Lisa.

Lisa, feeling a little satisfied takes her seat and smiles. Maybe today was going to be okay.

After a few moments she gets up to fetch herself some coffee, she walks around this time timidly smiling at anyone who made eye contact her. Yes, she was still petrified to be there and see people looking at her but, after hearing what Niki said about them wanting to meet her, Lisa told herself she had to at least smile at her colleagues.

She knew she had to smile at the minimum if she didn't want people to think she was a nervous wreck. She ached to be the person she was before. Because by now, she would have made friends.

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