7. The usual

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Today was not great.

But, we'll get to that later.

Rosie and Lisa both began their days in their typical manners.

Lisa telling herself she was doing good and that people did genuinely like her and weren't going to turn on her and Rosie, telling herself she looked fine, people didn't think she was lonely and that people couldn't see how devastatingly lonely she felt underneath all the smiles she wore.

Rosie started her car as she heard the low humming of the engine begin. She looked behind herself before backing out and making her way to her workplace.

Originally, she planned to sell this car because it contained too many memories in it. Like the times, when she first picked up Ashley to take her to the studio as her car had broke down, or, the time when she took Ashley to visit the zoo for the first time and even, the time she lost her car virginity right there in the back seat. But, most importantly, she remembers how it was here, here where Ashley and her had confessed they liked each other to one another.

*2 Years ago*

Rosie was besides herself. This was her fourth time in a week meeting up with her dear friend Ashley. After they first met each other 2 months ago at Ashley's magazine release, they hit it off really well. They exchanged number straight away and had been inseparable since.

She found that the red haired girl, always lingered into her mind whenever she was doing something. She'd linger in and then completely occupy it and it had been like that even more so the last 2 weeks.

There was something about her Rosie couldn't get enough of.

Ashley had taken Rosie out for dinner last night and it was amazing. Rosie felt something last night, something she had been feeling for a while.

She didn't know what it was but Ashley made her feel young, like she was living her youth again. Ashley made her excited for the next day and she wondered if Ashley thought the same about her too.

Rosie is snapped out of her thoughts when Ashley opens the car door and slips in besides her in the passenger seat.

"Hey babe" She greets her effortlessly.

Rosie found her so pretty.

And Ashley felt the exact same way.

Everytime she would hang out with Roseanne the only thing that would play on her mind would be about how it would feel to hold Rosie's lips in her own.

She had taken Rosie out to dinner last night hoping to finally ask her out to be her girlfriend but, she got afraid, she wasn't sure if she could handle making that big step in their friendship.

She knew Rosie felt the same way too since, she always noticed how Rosie would linger a little at her lips whenever she'd listen to her talk.

Ashley is also broken out of her thoughts when she hears Rosie's phone ring.

"Ugh" She groans.

"What is it?" Ashley asks her.

"Its this guy from work. He keeps on asking me to go out for drinks with him" Rosie answers.

"Oh" Ashley's mood drops.

"B-but, I don't want to though" Rosie is quick to add on.

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