6. Our encounter

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Rosie awoke as she hears the birds chirping outside. She groggily awakens, stretching her arms and wondering when she ended up falling asleep not being able to remember much from yesterday apart from her unexpected encounter with Ashley.

The encounter that really ruined her mood.

She swings her legs of her bed as she continues stretching, still feeling quite tired. She shuffles her feet into her bunny slippers and makes her way to the bathroom to have a shower.

After showering and getting ready for the day she shuffles into the kitchen. She decides to turn the radio on while she makes her breakfast. Music always found a way to soothe her soul, even when it was really restless.

She hums along to the music playing as she makes herself some toast.

Yesterday was not a good day so as a result, she was going to make sure today was.

She believed life was all about balance. Sometimes we have bad days but we also have good days and we must focus on those days too. For her, it was the only way that humans could remain positive.

Lisa was also shuffling around in her kitchen but not to make breakfast. She couldn't find her car keys.

"I should really clean up my apartment at some point" She mutters under her breath as she throws her cushions of the couch, trying to look for her keys.

Giving up she decides to call an uber as she didn't want to be late for work. She hadn't ridden an uber for so long but, she knew she had to get to work soon.

She had something on her mind today.

She wanted to apologise and thank the girl who helped her out on her first day. She almost felt guilty about the way in which she reacted after the girl had helped her so much.

Lisa hurries up the stairs to get to her desk so she can clock in before the clock strikes 08:30AM.

She manages to get there in time and once she's done clocking in she lifts her head up to see if she can spot the girl with the pink hair.

"Who are you looking for?" Niki greets her chuckling away.

"Um no one in particular" Lisa responds, not wanting to look like she was a stalker who'd just stepped out of 'you'.

"Really?" Niki cocked her brows. "I might be able to help" She offers as she takes off her jacket and hangs it on the back of her seat.

"No really... its okay. Thank you though" Lisa smiles at what seems like is her work friend.

She turns her head back at her screen as she gives up... for now. She would have another look on her break.


Rosie falls back into her leather seat as she reads through her notebook, listing all the tasks she had to get done before the end of the day. The first one being, talking to Niki about her upcoming editorial piece.

Rosie was the grand editor at VOGUE which meant she was very involved with the staff members and would always try to help them out in any ways she could. A lot of people called Rosie a sweet heart because she would always go out of her way to make sure everyone around her was okay. She handled difficult situations really well and would always be the first to volunteer a helping a hand. There was a reason she was known as lovey.

She mindlessly walks over to Niki's desk and as she does she suddenly realises that that was also where the new girls desk was too. She almost hesitated thinking if she should just come back when the blonde wasn't there but then she thought to herself 'why?'

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