12. My not so funny valentines

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"Good morning Seoul! Today is the day of love, the day to adore and appreciate your one and only. And what better way to do that than to-"

Rosie groans before she turns around in her bed to switch of the radio that had woken her up.

"Day of love my ass" she mutters as she pulls her cover over her face, not wanting to face reality today.

She was glad she asked Lisa to join her, even if it was just as a friend because she had no idea how she would have gotten through the day all alone otherwise.

Not only did it feel extremely unusual and painful to spend valentines on your own when you've just been dumped but, it also felt embarrassing. Rosie didn't know how to explain it but she would have felt so much shame if she had spent her first valentines out of a relationship alone. As though she was pathetic.

Besides, she was taking a liking to Lisa. Lisa was quite a funny person and she always made corny jokes. Corny jokes had always been Rosie's guilty pleasure and also, she didn't mind pretending Lisa was her date in front of the people at the restaurant because quite frankly, she found her drop dead gorgeous.

Rosie turns to grab her phone from her night drawer and checks to see it is already 12pm. She quickly scrolls through her text messages. She had a couple from her only sister Alice who was still living in Australia. She had texted Rosie to assure her how it was fine to be single on valentines. 

Rosie rolled her eyes while reading them. She loved her sister a lot but, she didn't need her reassuring her constantly. She missed her a lot because they'd only see each other once or twice a year if lucky, given how they lived worlds apart. So even though she didn't like the reassuring she was grateful for it.

She gets out of bed and fixes herself some breakfast. Usually she would shower before her breakfast but she was especially hungry today because it was already so late into the day and she hadn't had dinner last night because she fell asleep early.

Lisa on the other hand was being ambushed by her pretty raven haired friend.

"Lauren what are you doing? Shouldn't you be picking up your date?"

"I should i should! But, I'm more excited for yours than my own"

"Its not a date" Lisa tells Lauren with a light laugh.

"Yeah, yeah whatever you kids wanna call it"

"Shut up. Im only one year younger than you"

"And yet you still act like a child" Lauren tuts at Lisa.

"Are you excited?" She asks Lisa.

"Yeah... it will be nice to go out for dinner but Lauren, um, i didn't want to say this earlier because I'm really trying to get better but, I'm fucking scared"

"What?" Lauren asks with a frown and soft eyes "scared why baby?"

"Its just - I haven't been to a restaurant in over half a year and im so nervous i'll mess up my order or something and then on top of that, i want to make today good for Rosie because she really deserves it but, i know my anxiety is going to ruin it."

"Hey, hey" Lauren says as she scoots over to Lisa, placing her arm on her shoulder. "You won't ruin anything and neither will your anxiety. You just have to remember what we talked about okay?"

"I know" Lisa replies a little sad. "But its hard to stop these thoughts sometimes"

"I know mija" Lauren continues as she squeezes Lisa's hand. "Just remember to take deep breaths and remember how we discussed sometimes your thoughts are just that: thoughts and not reality."

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