24 hours

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Niyah's POV
"House party gone wrong as it turned into a violent shooting leaving 1 dead and 2 injured. Neighbours said they heard music coming from the house from 6pm and heard shots being fired at 12am followed by a bunch of screams. The owner of the house remains uninjured but says they don't know who could have done this"
I sat nervously on the couch next to Diamond and Jordan as they watched the news. To them I was at a friends house and I was never there so they still don't know and I hope it stays like that. If Jordan finds out I went he'll send me back to my mom and I really don't want that. "Stupid kids" Jordan said as he switched channels. Diamond side eyed him then looked back at the tv it looked like she was bout to say something but she held it back. "At least Niyah's safe and wasn't there" she said smiling at me. I actually found it funny that Jordan said that seeing as he does the same thing for a living but I'll just remain silent. And as for Mike I seriously don't know what he's involved in and why people came after him in his own house but I hope it isn't what I think it is.
Diamond's POV
I checked the time on my phone. My launch party had to be pushed back to next week because of certain difficulties one being that Jordan couldn't make it. I had to go and meet the girls because someone has an update about this whole situation. I just want this all to end already Jordan has been a lot more busy recently and I hate hanging out with Chris pretending I like him.
Angel's POV
I was nervous to meet up with the others. We haven't really had to see each other recently and especially with what happened with Chris I don't know. Me and Pg are alright I guess I've been trying to keep my distance because I really didn't want to put I tracker in his car. I put Ranell in his stroller and opened the front door. I jumped when I saw Chris and to guys standing in front of me. Shit. "I'm guessing Pg ain't here" he said looking passed my into my house. "No I don't know where he is" I said turning the stroller to face away from him. "Well I was supposed to know where is because the tracker was supposed to be in his car but it's still here why is that Angel" he said. "I haven't had a chance to do that can you please leave me alone I have places to go" I said with attitude. "I don't think you know how this works darling we are in control you don't tell us to go now but that fucking tracker in his car or you and that baby of yours will never see that light again" the guy behind him said. I tear rolled down my face of the thought of not seeing my son again or even worse that he wouldn't be able to live. "Okay okay please don't hurt my son" I said sobbing. "You have 24 hours" Chris said smiling and they walked towards a black mini van. "Fuck fuck FUCK" I said covering my face with my hands. I took out my phone and put a timer for 24 hours.
Miya's POV
The girls got to my house and we're sipping there drinks and having small talk. "Okay girls are this whole thing needs to end by tomorrow I'm sure we're all tired of this shit because I know I am the thing with the police looks like it's dead because they ain't saying shit now all we need is answers from the guys and Chris" I said. "Chris!" Angel exclaimed "errrr who's that" she added. "He's a guy that was in war with are guys a while ago but now there lurking around for some reason Jordan doesn't know anything about it so I'm assuming the rest don't as well" Diamond said. "So what's the plan" Teyanna said quietly. "Are you okay Teyanna you've been quiet" I asked. Angel cleared her throat and was acting awkwardly. Diamond looked around in confusion. "I'm fine can we just get this over with" she said. "Okay well I think Diamond should tell Jordan and set Chris up" I said. "What Jordan will be pissed if he found out I was tryna help him with this shit" she said. "You have no other option he'll get over it" I said. "Now the rest of us need to get final answers from them even if we have to trick them into it".
To be continued...

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