Me or you

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Angel's POV
"You know her" Diamond said looking at me then him. I felt so confused and betrayed. Why was Tristan here. At first I thought he was here to save me then I realised he was one of them and by the look on his face I could tell we were not supposed to leave here alive. "Umm" Tristan said. Then started to take of his top. I looked at Diamond she looked just as confused as me.

Diamond's POV
Once he took of his top I saw that he was wearing a mic. I looked at Angel and saw the look on her face and realised. "Tristan?" I whispered and he nodded. "I- I'm sorry but I was sent here to do something and I have to do it" he said. "Diamond" he said turning to me "you need to tell me where your boyfriend keeps his product" he said. "You must be joking is at what all this is about you want to know where Jordan's warehouse is" I said with attitude. "You must not be taking me serious enough" he said then pulled out a knife and brought it to my neck. "Tell me where is it" he said and I felt the cold from the knife on my neck. I sighed and told him the address. "No not that one" he said then I got confused "we've been there already and we didn't find what we were looking for. We know he has another one and we know you know where it is" he said. "You got to be fucking joking. I don't know shit I been telling Jordan to stop doing this shit for ages he doesn't tell me what he does" I said. "Well then I guess I can't hurt you" he said then moved he knife from my neck. He walked behind me then I heard some mumbling. He dragged Niyah's chair round so that it was facing me. Then put the knife on her neck. "Leave her alone" I yelled.

"This is what your gonna do" he said and grabbed my phone from his back pocket. "Your going to unlock it and your gonna call Jordan and tell him to get here. ALONE or you and his sister dies" he said. I looked at Niyah who had tears running down her face. "Do anything stupid like try and signal or say anything to him and she dies. Understand" he said and gave me the phone.

Jordan's POV
"So they just gone and she ain't picking up the phone" pg said in the passenger seat of my car. "Yeah and I tried to check her location but it's turned off so whoever got them is smart enough to know that she would share her location with me"I said. "Well I already told everyone to find her and there's extra security at the warehouse...... both of them" he said. Then my phone started ringing. "It's Diamond" I said and quickly picked up the phone. "Diamond where are you" I said. "Imma send you the location" she said sounding scared. "You have to come alone." "Why what happened" i said. "I just want to spend some time with you alone" she said. I looked over at Pg who I could tell was thinking the same thing as me. "Ight Imma be there" I said. "Alone?" She asked. "Yeah I'll be there soon" I said then I cut off the phone.  "She obviously got forced to say that" Pg said and I nodded. "So what are we gonna do" he asked. "Well this person has Diamond my sister and Diamond's sister so there's a lot on the line so why can't mess up" I said. My phone pinged and it was Diamond's location. I forwarded it to Pg and put my phone down. "Imma go there by myself you know what to do" I said. He came out of the car and I started driving.

Diamond's POV
We just sat there in silence waiting for Jordan to get here. I had no idea what I was going to do. Suddenly the door opened and someone walked in with a balaclava he looked at Tristan then at us. "It's time" he said. "But Jordan ain't here yet he's on his way" Tristan said. "Well he's not coming fast enough so you got to eliminate one of them" the guy said. Tristan looked over and Angel who's eyes filled up with tears. "I'm sorry what" I said. "Shut up or it will be you" he said. "You know damn well it won't because you need me here to get Jordan here" i said. Maybe it was because I've been through this so many times or because I had given up on life but I wasn't scared of them killing me or hurting me. I just wanted my baby to live and have a better life then mine. I guessing the guy caught the look between Tristan and Angel because he was staring at them both. "Her" he said pointing at Angel. "What? I thought that I chose" he said slightly panicking. "No nigga I make the call I say you kill her now do it Imma be listening on the mic I better her shots" he said then left. Tristan looked at Angel with a sad look on his face. "Tristan you don't have to do this" I whispered. " I do" he said "if I don't they'll kill me and my whole family" he added. "I'm sorry Angel I'm sorry I lied to you about what I did but I was working on getting higher in the streets so that I could run shit and I wouldn't have to worry about being controlled by them but they sold me lies" he said. He walked over towards her and took off the tape on her mouth. "I can't believe you would do this to me" she started "what about Ranell" she said. "I have to do this Angel I don't have a choice" he said and he pulled out his gun and took it off the safety. "Tristan" I said getting worried. I could hear light sobs coming from around the room. "Don't do this" I said slowly and quietly. "It's okay" Angel started "I rather it was me then you just make sure you take care of Ranell for me I know you'll be a great mom I love you" she said and held her head down squeezing her eyes closed. Tristan pointed the gun at Angel and I closed my eyes but the tears still fell down. "I'm sorry" he said.
To be continued

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